If God Exists, Why Is There So Much Pain And Suffering In The World?

Discussion in 'General' started by HighAsPhuck, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. That movie is actually pretty inaccurate in parts. 

  2. Lol at all these people jumping on me because I posted a story I heard once. Holy shit that's not even my philosophy on the subject it just came to mind and I decided to share it. My bad for writing a reply that had something that I heard once. 
  4. If there was still rep I would rep you for knowing where my name came from.
  5. That movie is actually pretty inaccurate in parts.
    Yeah I saw where some of it had been debunked. Still some crazy stuff though.

    To be honest, I thought they might've "stretched" the truth the first time I saw it, they Didn't provide many sources at all

    I wasn't trying to jump on you at all for the record, you're right that a lot of people do see it like that. 
  7. #27 GanjFarmer', Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    In that case my apologies for taking your post the wrong way.
    No apologies necessary, it's hard to convey meaning over text sometimes. :smoking: 
  9. Maybe God has just lost control?
    Imagine you start an ant farm.  When you start, it's easy.  You put in some ants, some sand, some food, and it's all happening in a very controlled environment.  Then one day the ant farm breaks, and ants get out all over your house.  Now how will you stop them from raping/murdering/starving/sinning/etc?
  10. I am inclined to believe there is no god. Though I find it distressing since I grew up on Disney movies and Christian values that gave me a picture of life made of rainbows and love and all that wonderful muck. Since I've lost my religion I've found that my moral compass is all sorts of crazy.. sometimes its hard to draw the lines between right and wrong, and sometimes you wish the lines weren't yours to draw. It's nice to have it all laid out for you, because when its not  all of a sudden you have to figure our own moral code. And yet when I think I'm doing the right thing I lay my head down that night unhappy about how it made me feel, and realize I could have done better. I agree with the guy who said to break the chains of religion, just realize that freedom means responsibility, and be ready for it. I have to say it does seem like a dimmer world without an all loving father figure in the sky, but that doesn't make it true.
  11. When Eve ate from the tree of consciousness, God put a curse on this land and on man. Before they ate the apple, they had it made. It was like heaven on Earth. But then we blew it so now we suffer. God allows us to suffer because of our sin.
    I guess what i'm saying is we have no right to blame the god of unconditional love for our suffering. We brought that on all by ourselves.
  13. Just read the Bible, god loves all that suffering apparently.  He's kind of a dick
    The story also says that Eve was cursed with childbearing as a result of eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
    Without her eating that tasty little snack, none of us would be here, according to the story. So how are any of us to blame?
  15. We give "God" human traits and then wonder why he doesn't behave like a human being. There's the problem. Snapping your fingers and making everyone happy is something a human living a human experience would do. But is it something a God would do, though? If we're laboring under the assumption that God exists, then surely he might do things a bit differently given the absolute knowledge he's suppose to possess.
    1.) Say you have the ablitiy to see into the future. You see a certain baby growing up to become a violent dictator. So you kill this baby, thus saving the lives of millions. Would that action not seem cruel to people who can't predict the future? To them this was just a senseless murder.
    2.) Out of the goodness of your heart, you give a homeless person a lot of money. This homeless person then goes on to create a bomb using those funds. What appeared to be a "good" act in the beginning really wasn't in the end, was it?
    Keep in mind that I'm still only speaking from a "human" perspective with those examples. Imagine the kinds of choices made by a being who supposedly governs the entire universe.
    So basically, unless we possess the "eyes" of God, it's going to be very difficult to for us to understand why things are the way they are. Perhaps the answer to the question is very simple: maybe things would be boring if we lived in a perpetual state of happiness. Who knows?
    And before anyone jumps down my throat, no, I'm not religious.
  16. If there was God, he would actually be Satan.

    Since Satan is the master trickster, he would trick you into thinking he is "God"..

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  17. well, I thought i'd throw a little gas on the fire with my comment. Oh how the flames rise now in this thread! We have a discussion forming....
  18. So he punishes thousands of generations of people because one woman ate from the tree?

    Not bashing your beliefs or anything, but that doesn't seem fair.

  19. Ignorant. Have YOU read the Bible? 

    It used to be religious people looked down on non-religious people, and oh how non-religious people hated that. Now non-religious people ridicule religious people. Funny isn't it? How the cycle works. 

    Still, no, God does NOT love suffering. It's one thing if you don't want to believe in him, okay, but to spout out bullshit about him acting like you know everything is not okay. Whenever he made someone suffer they either had it coming or were punished for going against God. I'm not exactly saying it was okay of God to do this, but I mean, he didn't do it because it made him happy. 

    IF God is real, yeah he has created lots of suffering all because dumb shit Eve at that dumbshit fruit, but is there not plenty of good in the world. IF God is real, that weed you've been toking on, yeah, he made that. 

    Not saying he is or isn't real, just saying hypothetically IF he was real. 

  20. I'm pretty sure non believers have always somewhat looked down on believers and vice versa. That's nothing new.

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