one cool thing -there would be no government whcih would mean you can grow millions of marijuana plants and literally smoke dank nonstop for the rest of your life, but there would also be no one to smoke with ether alSo NO sex or even people to look at !! on the opposite side you could be a full time nudist there are so many disadvantages and advantages . obviously it's great to have people you are close with but i've been thinking- What about living in perfect isolation? I would never choose to do this but what if happened to any of us. when i think about it- i sounds really depressing to have nobody else on earth How do you think it would it effect you?
i'd probably live for a little bit do whatever i want, realize i have no one to share life with, and kill myself.
true....... but i think i could last a good while alone. and if i get to smoke everyday too... it doesnt sound too bad.
may as well make the best of it , if that's what it came down to i'd become a full time psychedelic user and nudist. may as well lose my mind at that point.
i would just have so much fucking fun destroying shit. i would go into police stations with grenades and bats and just fuck shit up. i would go into walmart and push over the isles and find the biggest house and deck that shit out with the biggest tvs, stereos, etc. shit i wouldnt even need money!
id probably do a shitload of drugs and after a while id kill myself. id definitely snoop around the white house though
I'd totally be stoned or tripping the whole time and as far as no sex I'll just keep raiding sex shops till I can't find batteries
The only thing that would suck about that is there would be no new things. No TV or anyone to talk to would suck. I'm completely fine being alone, I would miss my girlfriend though. I would move farther south and grow as much weed and mushrooms as I could. I'd rob every single store blind too. After awhile you would go crazy and probably kill yourself though.
I would fly an airplane around the world on psychadelics, and go to every spot on the planet I have wanted to see before I die. Then I'd fly an F-18 into space and eat about 20 grams of mushrooms, and fly towards the sun. Holy shit that'd be crazy.
Hmmm, well I would probably be pretty depressed for a long time. Then I would get over the extreme loneliness and feeling of hopelessness and then I would go into town and raid some stores. I would get hellified drunk and then start searching houses on the west side for any kind of drugs I can find. Ummmm, well as time goes on I might learn to fly a plane and then fly to Europe and then travel all around Eurasia until I die......then again I might just shoot myself in the face. Who knows.
I would find myself a chimpanzee to kick it with. We would parade around rounding up as many resources as possible. Then we would eventually start up a civilization of primates that worship and protect me..
i would go into every pharmacy in the world getting xanex kpins dillys oxys and crazy drugs then id fucking go to all my dealers houses and search then drive a jet around fucked on drugged and also get free ciggys
I'd steal a car and drive as far as I could, then I'd steal another car and drive it as far as I could. Go around raiding houses for drugs and porn. I'd probably go around for a while busting open doors to let any pets out. I'm at college so if it happened right now first I'd head back home and get my cats.
Ummm...who's going to provide the electricity to run those tvs and stereos, and who's going to provide the programming/music? A life without other people sounds horribly desolate to me. However, if everyone else on the planet would disappear for about an hour or so a day I'd be totally cool with that.