If a woman has a penis, and her and a man make love, does that make the man gay?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Captainbasch420, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. I was wondering about this.
    In my opinion, love has no boundries, and what not.

    SO, if a man makes love to a woman who has a penis, does that make him gay?
    I dont think it does, since theyre not the same gender.

    Your opinions?
  2. #2 LETTUCE CHIEF, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Women dont have penises, men do. Women arent men so they have pink pussies.

    Dudes that dress like girls are what society would call a fag, and i would have to agree its fag. Im not gonna treat them differently though.

    If two penises fuck, thats fag sex
  3. A woman wouldn't have a penis, so yeah, you're gay..
  4. Bad poster is bad
    Women can't be genetically modified for male counterparts. If it's born with a penis and women characteristics, it's still a male

    I'm sure OP is underaged as saw his first tranny today.
  5. But what if the woman has both a penis and a vagina?
  6. #6 Captainbasch420, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Fags are ciggerettes. :|

    But what if theyve got tits and no balls? Then thatd make them 2/3rds woman, and 1/3rd man, is it still gay?
  7. #7 Captainbasch420, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Underaged and saw my first tranny today?
    What makes you suggest im underage? First off, im turning 19 this october, secondly, ive never seen a tranny, a friend of mine had said something about a girl he knew who said she had a penis, and that got me wondering about it.
  8. If "women" had a penis then "she" wouldn't be a man, HE would be a women. If that makes sense, so therefore yes it would probably be a little gay.

    PS: I am in no way homophobic.
  9. #9 LETTUCE CHIEF, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    What if my aunt had a penis? Then she'd be my uncle
  10. #10 S0UR, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
  11. I've got a better one.... If you cloned yourself and fucked your clone, is that considered gay or masturbation ?
  12. Come on, I mean who hasn't gotten head from a dude dressed like a chick in Thailand before???
  13. I'd hit it with a hot transsexual. I won't deny it.
  14. a woman with a penis is really a man with breasts....
    If someone has a penis, then they're sex is a man
    If someone has both they're a hermaphrodite...
    But if you fell in love with a man with breasts thinking they were a woman, and you didn't know. I would say you weren't gay, if their gender identity was female and they look like a woman before you saw them naked then you fell in love with a woman...
    Bah too confusing. Forget this thread :D
  15. I think OP meant born hermaphrodites. Really rare but there are some who are born with both. If she identifies herself as a woman but do not want surgery then it's really up to the man is he thinks it's too weird.
    I personally don't think it's gay, in fact I believe there are more pseudohermaphroditism cases where the penis only start to grow out during puberty and the family could have thought they had a little girl prior to that. Should she decide to keep her gender identity with the ladies frankly she is likely raised more like a girl anyway. Unless of course she starts fucking you with her dick then yes you are at least bi.
  16. #17 treelover, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Do hermaphrodites even have full fuctionality of both things? You would think they would rigt?
  17. errr.......so you promise you wont treat the "fags" differently?
  18. That wasn't a woman bro.

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