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If a tent is pulling air directly from outside would that raise Oxygen levels inside the tent?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Banshe, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. #1 Banshe, Aug 2, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2023
    Would it? or would it be the same level of oxygen as the room its in?
  2. U have the equipment to measure it accurately, I don't. I'd guess if it were different % wise it wouldn't be enuf to matter, Now co2 is another matter as I opened a floor vent to outside air with an inline fan & it has lowered my humidity here in Fl no less, I wasn't expecting that. I hope the additional co2 from the vent will grow bigger buds. :thumbsup: :Love-Plant:
  3. 02 is not what the plant wants/needs, its C02 as in exhaled air is the best, 02 is leaked out thru the plants pores called stomata, depending on the size of your plant you could just drop a bucket of dry ice in their, or increase the airflow so you get more air along with C02
    IMO: best is suck air in passive like so it it sucks air in from around the grow then to the outside, a big way to reduce smell

    good luck
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  4. #4 Banshe, Aug 3, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
    Yeah i really ment Co2 levels, Because i was thinking if i have a fan on high speed sucking in air directly from outside where its really windy where i live, that Co2 levels would be higher so i could give the plants more light increasing yield, i also live beside a motorway i wonder if there would be higher Carbon dioxide levels around my house
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. that would be carbon monoxide deadly to both you and plants,
    IMO: go passive it saves much hassle,
    and go by temp leaving the temp gauge top most leaf height
    and lower or raise the light to get 77f after 15minutes

    good luck

    ps 'we' all thought that at some time

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