This is probably going to sound really stupid, but let's say that enough people smoked (I'm talking like 5.5 billion - 6.5 billion [there is approx 7 billion people in the world]) could marijuana be something petty to be arrested for? I mean like, you know how j-walking is illegal, how many people are actually arrested and fined for it? Little to none. Could the same apply to weed?
Swim was arrested for a blunt's worth about a week ago. He got 24 hours and a $167 ticket. Swim's arresting officer hadn't ever smoked marijuana in his life.
Lmfao please tell me u aren't kidding and that you actually think someone named their kid swim! I just geeked out hardcore to that lol. Sorry I'm a little high. Sent from my SCH-R970 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Well i was arrested a month ago in florida for 0.2 in a blunt roach i forgot i had and just had court yesterday... 3 months probo with drug tests, 30 hours community service, and 3 drug education classes. amazes me on the west coast its practically legal and here i got fucking arrested for a roach! Blows my mind to think how far we are from legalization in some states. Sent from my 5860E using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Haha ^^ to the a lot of food comment. Anyway I think it would be legal before that happened. It's already legal in Washington and I live in Portland so that's like 10 minutes away from me. I think it'll be legal here eventually.