Idol worship

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by NeverOddOrEven., Nov 20, 2011.

  1. whats your take ?
  2. The worship, of idols.
  3. Idk I don't see what's so wrong with it. I mean whatever gets you through the day. I don't see any difference between that and Christianity. Both are faiths with no factual backing so imo equal.

    I don't think its healthy to worship anything though
  4. sounds about right. ;)
  5. Well I'm glad we agree smokey :)
  6. How could we not agree?
    we are all but one
  7. Mind=blown
  8. We all worship idols.

    Look at hannah montana or the maryln manroe statue in Chicago, I went there recently and couldn't help but think of it as idol worship with all the people taking pictures in front of it.

    Bowing down and singing songs is not the only form of worship
  9. this is true as well
  10. no need to worship anything but if it floats your boat go ahead , it can give a very big mental advantage to people who do if there doing stuff and junk and i havnt got a clue what im even saying goodbye
  11. There's nothing wrong with healthy respect and admiration, but I don't think that's what OP is talking about
  12. I don't really believe that the idols or symbols(i am assuming that this is what you are asking and not the celebrities type) have all that much power to them. However, having a symbol of some sort makes it much easier to focus the mind on the prayers.
  13. good thread,

    the only thing worthy of worship IMO, is that we are part of this, and not seperate somehow.

    "All is One" "We are of the same Father", etc.

    i think the original concept of God has been perverted, its more like "tao", or oneness.

    God to me is not an entity, but everything.

    the fact that the Vatican, and mainstream religous authorities have enabled Prohibition of the Tree of Life to occur, exemplifies their false doctrine and character.
  14. #16 DBV, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2011
    I don't really like the idea.. but we all have figures that are "in the spotlight" that we feel we have a connection too. I just hate when people want to be there idols. It seems like being unique is harder and harder as time goes on and everythings been done.

    Some awesome lyrics (although pretty pessimistic.. haha) that made me realise idolising is kind of pointless:

    I met a boy wearing Vans, 501s, and a
    Dope Beastie t, nipple rings, and
    New tattoos that claimed that he
    Was OGT,
    From '92,
    The first EP.

    And in between
    Sips of Coke
    He told me that
    He thought
    We were sellin' out,
    Layin' down,
    Suckin' up
    To the man.

    Well now I've got some
    A-dvice for you, little buddy.
    Before you point the finger
    You should know that
    I'm the man,

    And if I'm the man,

    Then you're the man, and
    He's the man as well so you can
    Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

    All you know about me is what I've sold you,
    Dumb fuck.
    I sold out long before you ever heard my name.

    I sold my soul to make a record,
    Dip shit,
    And you bought one.

    So I've got some
    Advice for you, little buddy.
    Before you point your finger
    You should know that
    I'm the man,

    If I'm the fuckin' man
    Then you're the fuckin' man as well
    So you can
    Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

    All you know about me is what I've sold you,
    Dumb fuck.
    I sold out long before you ever heard my name.

    I sold my soul to make a record,
    Dip shit,
    And you bought one.

    All you read and
    Wear or see and
    Hear on TV
    Is a product
    Begging for your
    Fatass dirty

    So...Shut up and

    Buy my new record
    Send more money
    Fuck you, buddy.

    You have to understand that his lyrics are often pessimistic just to show the futility in the concept..
  15. most everyone has an idol, many more than one. Catholics, Hindu's. Movie stars are idols, sports stars, hero's, family members.

    Its all the same

  16. Although I don't condone idolatry, this is certainly a truth among the human race.
  17. I have an amulet that's supposed to protect me from the 'Angle of death'.

    So far it's working coz I'm still alive.
  18. Apparently it's working for me too, since I'm still alive and all.:smoke:

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