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ideas for a good part time job (age:18)

Discussion in 'General' started by PistolBerserk, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. i worked as a lifeguard last summer and haven't had a job since. i dont really want to do it again though.. but i don't really have any other ideas what i could do. my friends always tell me that grocery stores gives the shittiest hours to work.

    where do you work? do you like it?
  2. I wait tables... Good money and pretty easy work. Certainly not the best job, but a pretty good one for an 18 year old- that's how old I was when I started.
  3. I've worked at Publix (grocery store in the southeast), at CVS Pharmacy, and I valeted at a club. Publix was definitely the worst for hours. I was pretty much a bitch to their scheduling over there. Same with CVS; it was definitely more chill to work there, but the hours were ridiculous. Valet was pretty badass, worked nights and got to drive around other ppl's toys :cool:

    I'd definitely agree with your friends that grocery stores are the worst for scheduling purposes, plus you have to deal with so many dumb people (customers and bosses) all day.

    Personally, I think being a lifeguard seems like a pretty nice gig considering the other crappy part-time jobs you can get at 18, but if you're really looking for another job I'd say go with something like a bookstore. My buddy works at a Border's near me and says the job is pretty good for stoners. It's quiet, not open too late, hours are decent, and they dont drug test:smoke:
  4. I think it depends on the grocery store. I had a pretty cushy job right out of high school at a grocery store. I worked in the deli department making take/bake pizzas. Most of my co-workers got high on breaks or even on shift during the later hours (we'd just go into the deep freeze, blaze up quick, and get back to work). They scheduled me around 30 some hours a week.

    However, try greenhouses. They enjoy young people who are willing to lift fertilizer, dirt, planting pots, etc... It's what I'm applying for again this spring/summer. You get to be outside most of the day doing something useful. Roofing/Construction is another one that hires on younger people for summer help. Good pay, great workout, but pretty brutal work. Other than that, restaurants, movie theaters, theme parks (if you have one near you), retail, gas stations, pretty much any of those lower end jobs.
  5. need more input!
  6. grocery store
    fast food
    recreation centers
    bus boy
  7. merchandising is great job u set your own hours most of the time. u pretty much log into a website pick the job u want to then come back to the website when ure done to say u finished. u need retail experience tho cuz u gotta know how to read pog an deal with customers
  8. umm what?? explain..
  9. Try your local library.

    It's an excellent job for a student, seeing as it's almost always part time, and you're surrounded by great books that may have otherwise gone unnoticed to you.
  10. Are you going to college? if so try and get something in that field

    if you're just a stoner lookin for some monies then shit... head shops, co-ops (if paid, doubt it though :) ) ummm sandwich shops, indie cafes, record store?
  11. Something not so engaging like mowing lawns, flea market gig, furniture mover, valet parking. A cash based job is always better simply because if school is one of your priorities you can quit easily. Get your studies in while you have the munchies. Idk

  12. You do? Just apply to any jobs you can find. Its part time so it shouldn't matter where, as long as your getting paid a decent wage. Stop being fussy.
  13. Stripper
    Rabid monkey handler
    Horse sperm milker
    Snuff porn director
  14. Lol snuff porn director.
  15. Anyone know any valets in NJ? Been trying to get a job in that field for a few weeks.
  16. Pizza Delivery
    Mail Delivery
    NAPA Delivery

    Pretty much any delivery job is pretty decent shit.:smoke:
    It's the best when they let you use your own vehicle too, or give you one that only you drive.
  17. If you like to drink and know your way around a bottle you could become a bartender.
    That's what I've been doing. Weekends are gone, but I'm really antisocial so I don't go out on my free time a lot.
    I just chill at home with a few choice friends, my girl and family most of the time and smoke up.
    Plus it can be pretty fun at times, but can also be a pain in the ass with all the drunk people.
    Learning to mix is easy, more than anything it's about paying attention and once you make a drink enough times, it becomes like second nature, you just know what liquors go in what drink.
  18. dude, i work at heb (grocery store) and it's the shit. I'm in high school and i couldn't ask for an easier job. I basically pick my hours, too.
  19. get yourself two or three small paper routes and bust that shit out on a ten speed. good money if you got time in the early am.

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