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Idea for 4/20/12

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Steadybakin420, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I was high earlier and i was thinking of random stuff.. so i came up with this idea. After this 4/20 Ill keep a small jar somewhere and put a little piece of bud in there from every bag i buy. And at the next 4/20 ill smoke it all. Mann that would be fucking awesome, all of those different types of bud would probably be an amazing high. Tell me what you think of the idea and if anyones tried something similar tell me how it was
  2. #2 tofurocks, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Lol, 4/20/12.
    It has 2012 in it and it's in 2012.
  3. I think that once you get a nice little pile going you are going to run out of bud and smoke it all lol.

  4. This mas is a prophet!

    Basically whats going to happen is after a few weeks or so of doing this, you'll be dry for what'll seem like forever, and you'll tap into your supply.
  5. I'll give you credit, it's a good idea. Try it! Just put the pieces in a jar, not a bag. And then put the jar in your freezer. It'll last longer.

  6. hahaha nah i can definitely keep it going once i already have some building up, its the first few weeks that will be the most tempting :smoke:

    but i think i can do it if i try :cool:

  7. Hahaha, pretty soon you are going to get some real dank nugs and then you will look into your lonely mason jar of other dank nugs you've collected and you are just gonna say "fuck it" and pack like 6 super salad bowls, trust me,,, you wont be able to resist :D:smoke:

  8. Thanks man, ill try it out.

  9. hahaha i can see myself doing that too :smoke:
  10. you'll pass out before you get to half the nugs :devious:
  11. if you can last till then go for it!
  12. In case you're to high to realize, this year it's gunna be 4/20/11 not 12 :p

  13. Yeah but im starting this on 4/20/11 and smoking it on 4/20/12
  14. Why not just save up some money and buy a half for 4/20 lol.
  15. cuz he wants it to be kinda like a galaxy(generation) blunt kinda thing, except not a blunt. Like alil bit from all the bags of the year mixed, A Galaxy Stash!:metal:
    Yes, I dub this the Galaxy stash!, A stash from many different bags of weed:smoking::hippie:
  16. What Im going to do is take a t-break from 4/1/12 to 4/20/12 so I will have low tolerance and I can get a fat sack with all the money that I save :D oh and im gonna get a 6 foot bong for 50 at my local smokeshop. And dude I think you can do it make sure to us a mason jar.

  17. Which is just another reason why the world is going to end. :smoke:
  18. OP, just start doing this now until this 4/20, you'll have at least a faaaaaat blunt if you throw a nug or 2 in every time you pick up... Well I guess depending on how much you buy it. Still though, you won't have to wait as long cause it's only like ~3 months away, rather than a whole year lol.

    EDIT: Forgot to throw this in there, I think it's really funny how you guys are already planning out 4/20 for next year haha :smoke:
  19. i did that for a while but after a while i looked at bit and it git dry and it was in a glass jar, so i felt like it was a waste of dank and stopped

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