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ice cubes.

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by DaborDietryin, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. ok another idea, thc ice cubes. what we can do is have a 2:1 ratio of thc, or any other canabinoid for that matter, and water, then freeze it into ice cubes,then throw it in your drink, and let it melt then get highdrayted. haha i made another word. but do you guys think thatl work?
  2. I suppose it could work, maybe if you blended it into an iced coffee instead of waiting for it to melt.
  3. wtf? :confused:
    i remember when i used to have crazy ideas like this :rolleyes:
    just smoke your bud and chill :smoking:
    and if you wanna try eating it just make some firecrackers
    there's hella threads here on how to make them
    but to get scientific this wouldn't work because thc isn't water soluble
    meaning it won't dissolve into water
    if you wanna make tea just boil your ground up bud in some whole milk with some butter in it
    because thc dissolves in fat
    but if you are an apprentice toker i'd say you should stick to smoking your bud and explore all the possibilities that method of ingesting thc givres you
    happy toking
  4. it couldnt be just ice. thc is fat soluble, not water
  5. the only way i can think of to get it into a liquid would be to make a tincture
    but that wouldnt freeze because alcohol doesnt freeze in a regular freezer
    so i doubt you could make this work
  6. cannbutter can be frozen... you can have a frozen block of cannabutter but that about it. It needs to be in an organic solution; not just water.
  7. that would make a damn good iced coffee;)
  8. Lol yes it would, and it would put ya on your ass if ya did it right.

    you would have to make it really, really strong tho. Most cannabutter recipes call for enough herb to make a stick or two of butter potent. You would want enough herb to make a tablespoon [small block of butter] potent.

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