I like to consider myself a guy who's pretty hard to anger, but one thing that always annoys the shit out of me without fail is when I have a nice drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) with some ice cubes floating around in it, leave it around for a few minutes and then return to find that most of the ice cubes have melted and watered down the drink. This is especially bad with large fountain drinks that sit around a lot. Pisses me right the fuck off. So a highdea came upon me one night... why hasn't any restaurant, fast food place, bar, convenience store, etc thought of making ice cubes that are made from the same beverage that they're in? Seems almost like a no-brainer. If icemakers are automated, can't they just pour in coke or whatever and let it make ice cubes on its own? There can't be much money or effort involved in this. I've also heard that the water restaurants use for ice cubes is dirtier than shit water. Like actual toilet water. I remember watching a news expose where some reporter went into fast food joints and tested their ice cubes against toilet water taken from same place and found that the toilet water was cleaner. That just makes me dislike ice cubes even more. Any thoughts?
Huh thats thinking outside the box , I like the idea . I could see it happening at fast food places ... Fyi they have stone cubes for alcohol I barely found out like a few months ago
You would have a lot of ice makers, or be seperated in some fashion. Places usually carry a moderate variety of beverages. Ends gotta justify the meens.
i already do that at home! My girls familys fridge is always full so when we open a warm can we just throw cold flavored ice cubes in our drink. you cant do it with pop tho
Yeah, i do that at home sometimes with iced tea. It would be a nice gimmick for a restaurant, i'd definitely appreciate it.
Lol, you consider yourself hard to anger...yet something as small as ice melting in your drink pisses you "right the fuck off"? Jeez, relax man... at worst this is a bit of a bummer. Don't use ice if you aren't sipping on your drink steadily, or use a freezable cup that has the frozen liquid seperate instead of ice to chill your drink. Done:b
Because they save money by putting the real ice in. Think about it...how much soda is really in that large drink from McDonald's? Not much because they full that shit up to the brim with ice. If they started putting ice made of soda then the price would go way up.