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Discussion in 'General' started by GYAZ, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Droped the screw in the tuna!
  2. lololololol i didnt think anyone else remembered kenan and kel. i used to love that show:D
  3. is this a euphemism for sex?

  4. 420th post man. Congrats
  5. There is a fly in the ointment! Shit has hit the fan!
  6. Who loves orange soda?

  7. [ame=]YouTube - Who Loves Orange Soda?![/ame]
  8. meet me on the roof in 5 minutes with a squirrel some duct tape and some fishing line
  9. hardcore nostalgia attack
  10. Ahhh man Keanan and kel is so funny when stoned, Keanans dad always gets owend by kel. Fucking blazed up last night and watched Good burger. funny shit man.
    [ame=]YouTube - Kiki & Sharona[/ame]
  11. Did anyone else watch the scary movie on TV?

    It was called like..2 heads arfe better than none?

    idk it was a Keenan and Kel halloween special
  12. [ame=]YouTube - Kenan and Kel Tuna Remix[/ame]

  13. i feel u
  14. same doodz
  15. Didn't kel end up dying a few years bad? Such a shame. :(

  16. [​IMG]
  17. Woops, just googled it. I remember seeing it somewhere a long while ago. Guess hes still alive. :hello:
  18. i keep seein ur avatar everywhere tonight

    i like it tho so it cooo
  19. Must be anoying when everyone thinks your dead.
  20. must be annoying when only thing people remember about you is orange soda.

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