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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bleenix, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. fucking love my bong. It's just beautiful, I've had it for a half a year and i've smoked out of it close to every day since I got it. Is smoking bong everyday bad for you? actually fuck it, I dont give a shit my room is hotboxed and im feelin good :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. That is a beautiful looking bong my friend :bongin:
  3. I never found if bongs are healthy online or anything. Everyone says that smoke matter is unhealthy for you in general. Smoking weed wont give you cancer or anything bad but im sure it doesn't make your lungs happy.
    The best and healthiest way to smoke is with a vaporizer. Or try eating it. I believe that bongs have to do something good for the smoke though. That smoke going through the water has to reduce risks im sure.
  4. thats a great fucking bong
  5. Clean that thing broseph
  6. [ame=""]YouTube - Trailer Park Boys - The Water Bong Is So Smooth[/ame]
  7. right there is a man who knows how to enjoy the little things
  8. sweet FN piece homie...
  9. thats a good bong man

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