I Would Like to Get Everyone's Opinion Poll

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Deleted member 1153948, Feb 2, 2024.

  1. I would like to know that everyone on this forum comes from a medical or straight legalized state. How did your state become a 420 state? Was it a voter initiative or did the lawmakers in your state step up and say yes? What is your story? In my state of Kentucky, it took a young Democratic Governor to say this could help our constituents, despite the fact that Kentucky is a Republican state. In Indiana, on the other hand, is a very RED state with a lot of Trumpers. They do not want cannabis legal in this state. I think that Eli Lilly had something to do with this. I wrote them and asked them about cannabis and I never got a reply. So, I assume, that is a big, fat NO. I even called Veneta Becker of my district about her position on cannabis and I heard her in the background saying, "Need more studies." So as long as that bat is in office she won't vote yes. Those are the Republicans in Indiana. They know that there is no voter initiative in this state so they rule it the way they want to. Lots of alcohol and prescription drugs. I'm ready to move to a more liberal state.
  2. Oklahoma is a red state and we voted medical in but their didn't seem to be the interest in recreational. Why bother. You can get a card for almost anything. Besides, if rec came in they would probably tax it to death.

    I don't know who got it on the ballot but they did a really good job of making sure that the state couldn't do bad to us. They even have only two weeks to issue a card from the time they get the application.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I'm in a red state and we've had medical for years and the word on the street is we are going recreational soon. I don't know for sure but I think it was voter initiative. I also think you're trying to make correlations that can't really be made. I am Independent but have conservative views so you'd probably label me a Republican and that would be incorrect. I also dislike Trump to the core of my being and think Biden should probably get the death penalty for what he has done and not done.

    You should move to a state that has the same views as you. It makes more sense than trying to change everyone else's view if you're the odd man out. Maybe California will have more like minded individuals?
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  4. Red state here too. We have a foolish medical system set up. 'Medical' because its a joke to me, but also one of the first states that supposedly is going to stock thc syrups in pharmacies so idk. My state is so ass backwards about cannabis I hate thinking about it. Our state politics turn into racial fights, and it never changes for the better, but also hasnt gotten worse so idk. Im just here for the ride lol. I really could use legal weed though. Badly.
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  5. #5 nachoboomer, Feb 2, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2024
    MY theory is that it has more to do with $ than red or blue. Big Pharma has been selling cannabis in pill form (cannabinol) for decades. Does going "legal" mean less $ for them??? We (the VAMC) had cannabis in leaf, (g-13) we called em GI joints in the early 8o's . I never saw them dispensed, maybe cuz it would have caused a stampede lol & VA's are nation wide so????:confused_2:
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  6. Cali is too expensive. I've been looking at rec states around Kentucky because I would like to stay close to my grandkids and home.
  7. I know how you feel. The Republicans in this state will not vote or even have a hearing on cannabis. The majority of Hoosiers want some sort of legalization on the books as an alternative to opiates. But the General Assembly doesn't want to hear it. It's either pride because it was a Republican President who started the CSA and put cannabis under Schedule 1 even though he was a crook and was disgraced because of Watergate. He was a selfish president that was racist. And that caused a lot of innocent people to go to prison just so he could get the public to back his war in Vietnam. In WW2 we knew what we were fighting against. But in Vietnam, a country that is not a part of NATO. The communists ended up with the country so that was a loss for everyone and showed the rest of the world that, yes, the mighty American military could be handed their asses by a bunch of local natives using trip-wire and bamboo sticks. Or it is the big pharma company Eli Lilly, that makes chemo drugs and pain medication? I think it's a little of both.
  8. Come to Virginia. It's near Kentucky and legal here. The Politicians voted to legalize.
    We're kind of a purple state that's getting bluer by the year.

    You can grow four plants at a time here, but there's no legal rec sales and the medical cannabis
    dispensaries are very expensive. That should change, as far as rec sales goes,
    when we get rid of Youngkin and get a Democrat in the Governors mansion again.

    I find four plants to be enough for just me, but it's four per household, so if you have
    several people at home, all cheifing the ganj, it might not be enough.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. In Ohio it was legalized in 2016 through a bill passed by the state legislature. The first licensed sales of medical cannabis began on January 16, 2019.

    The voters just spoke up last November (2023) and voted in recreational. Finally.
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  10. #10 The Duff, Feb 14, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2024
    Don't hold your breath. Here in Georgia where the republicans control the house, it's two democrats who are holding up legalization. One said that as long as he's on the committee that oversees the bill, it will never make it to the floor of the house. So don't just blindly blame the republicans, dementia joe's crew is responsible down here. Governor Kemp (a republican) has said if the bill reaches his desk, he will sign it.
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    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. 4 legal plants would be great.
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  12. We've had legal medical marijuana since the early 2000's. In 2018 the federal Liberal government decided they could make a tonne of tax revenue so they legalized it. The tax revenue hasn't been the windfall they expected. Every Liberal voted in favour of legalization, every Conservative voted against it. Since the Liberals had a majority it was easy to pass.

    Before legalization here in BC the cops turned a blind eye to all possession laws. It was quasi decriminalized and we even had dispensaries running in plain sight. All legalization did was give it official rules like legally growing 4 plants and packaging & labelling laws. People couldn't name their dispensaries with medical names so no more The Farmacy or Medijuana. :biggrin:
    • Informative Informative x 2
  13. Yeah. It ain't the Democrats OR the Republicans. It's both.

    What it boils down to is it's prohibitionists on both sides keeping it
    illegal. It sucks, but they equate weed with hard drugs and they'll
    never change their minds. But it's really popular with the public
    so change is happening whether they want it to or not.
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  14. I think they said only four to avoid the feds getting involved.
    Four seeds is fine, five seeds at once is a Federal Offense.

    I think it's why Woody Harrelson only planted four seeds for his
    big stunt years ago to try and advance the conversation on Legalization.

    And yeah, I love being able to grow four plants legally.
    It's better than growing Illegally and always worrying if you're
    gonna get busted and lose your house.
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