for blocking my phone from falling into the toilet while I'm currently on the John. now I understand why so many females drop their phones in the toilet. Amazing.
why do you mess with a phone while using the toilet? its inconvenient. its gross. its dangerous based on your story. and the bathroom is where i go for my quiet. whether its just a quick moment of urination, or some meditation while pooping. and that time in the bathroom is also the only time i can read my Car&Driver and Automobile magazines.
How is it any grosser than reading a magazine? Especially if those magazines have been sitting in the bathroom for some time and have collection way more poop particles than your phone ever could?
Unless he is wiping his arse with a phone i don't see how you can get shit on it. Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I thought this thread was going to be about thanking your penis for being there when you're horny. Thank you penis !!
That's exactly the response I'd expect from The Dude. Well played. Poop time is muse time. That's how it should be.
I can't understand people who bring their phones or laptops or even a magazine into the bathroom with them, I just find it disgusting.
I have a book i read. Its not disgusting. I put the book down wipe my arse,wash my hands then leave. Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app