I wish professors/teachers could see when students talk about class on Facebook...

Discussion in 'General' started by TheHighRoad, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. On Facebook, I was reading a conversation two kids who are now seniors at the high school I used to attend. I noticed how they were talking about their lit. class, and it just made me think about how influential the class must be for them to discuss it on Facebook. I'm assuming they have the same teacher as I had, and he's such a nice guy! I just wish he could see their conversation. :)
  2. Yeah..that would be cool.
  3. the only time i see mention of class on facebook is when people are bitching about them or saying that they suck ass
  4. lol one of my lit teachers made a Facebook and saw that I called her a cunt. I was really happy she saw that.
  5. That's when a teacher has done a good job - when the knowledge they have passed on to their students extends past the educational institution into their daily lives.

  6. Haha, this!
  7. Yeah If My teachers Ever saw what i say over face-da-pastebook i would probabibally be kicked out of c ollege or
    w or - s
  8. I love to see people talk good about my old teachers. A few of them were the kind of people you'll never forget. They taught me things i will remember forever. When i see them talking about my old advanced earth and space teacher i reminisce.
  9. i am friends with most of my teachers from High School, and about 6 of my professors from college on FB..

    i talk with them all the time, and they join in on rants/hate mongering about past classes :smoke:
  10. This would be interesting. I'm sure they'd get a lot of unbiased criticism!

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