I watched the sun rise today and put me in the best mood if my life

Discussion in 'General' started by PatrickTheToker, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. Well city, today is going to be a good day. Last night I stayed in, probably the first time I haven't gone out with my friends in a couple months. It was a nice change of pace.

    My dad got home from the hospital about a week ago so I was spending some time with him, watching old Clint Eastwood movies. Then after he went to bed I smoked a few bowls, played my guitar and listened to music. I wasn't tired so I decided not to go to bed, even though I have a long busy day ahead of me.

    As the sun started to rise I decided to go for a walk. I never realized how calm and peaceful it is in the early morning. I'm not sure why but it just put me in the best mood in the world. I don't want to sound gay but all the birds chirping and seeing the sun rise above the horizon was beautiful.

    I feel like I am on top of the world right now but the funny thing is I am completely sober. I don't really know how to describe how I am feeling right now.

    Having a garage sale today so I will be busy, then hopefully tonight I will be getting stoned and drunk with some friends. I really don't think anything can get me down today.

    What is everyone else up to today/night?
  2. About to go camping in a couple of hours.

    About to smoke some mids. Get a great high goin'.

    Glad you're doin' great, buddy.
  3. Woke up, smoked a bowl :) Had some good breakfast, now I'm just chilling. It's nice and sunny out, todays going to be great!
  4. Glad you're doing good man, I am at work, then I am getting off and going to see my probation officer, then picking my girl up from work, then rolling a fat blunt and smoking it to the face :).
  5. Just drove 45 to work to find out that we have no animals to work with, so I putzed around for an hour so I wouldn't lose money (gas) on the day, and now I'm back home again. I think I'll smoke the shake my brother gave me and read a book.

    So I'm tired, but relaxed, should be a nice day.
  6. Yeah man the whole morning setting is just calming. Just smoked half my blunt now about to go get my paycheck so I can get my medicine :smoke:
  7. i love mornings man, they put me in the same mood that you're in every time. its very peaceful.
    btw, thinking a sunrise is beautiful isn't gay
  8. No, it's not gay at all, sunrises are a natural beauty of the world.

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