I was watching a commercial and...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by stupidstoner, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. the first line was bowl for bowl, so i look up thinking that it was talking about bud... to give background on this, i had just smoked a blunt, outta the bong and pipe and than i did a superman. and i ate some bud that was still on the plate we used to roll the blunt.
  2. Cool story bro. Do you work for brool story co.?
  3. Yes i do my friend. It pays well and they dont drug test.

  4. Lol. Good one. I'm trying to get a job there too. They claim there not hiring. Guess my stories aren't brool enough.
  5. wait, how much bud did you eat...?
    was it for the taste? i hope you ate it for the taste..
    not to get higher
  6. to dudes name i will not even attempt to type, its very hard to get hired here... very very angry bosses dont like uncool stories, and last post, i ate for the taste
  7. lolwut

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