Like the title says, I've been feeling the urge to write a little more lately and I was wondering if there was anything in particular that you would like to read. If you give me a setting and some form of idea I will write a story and post it up on the thread for everyone to read, and after i complete one story I'll begin another. I primarily write fantasy or sci-fi but I can do just about anything so throw any ideas out there
Make like a story in first person of how a character starts to become a stoner, worries about it, then just accepts it.
This dude got to it first so I'll begin this one and post it up when I'm done. I think I have a pretty good idea of how I want this one to go already so it shouldnt take too long
nice thread man....and i actually thought about what id like to read but aside from a couple of crappy stuff that i found myself writing just to be writing them, i can currently think of nada.....ill take a raincheck tho....
I'm working on it right now, I'm not sure how long it's gonna be cause I want to get it done fairly soon but once I'm happy with it I'll post it up for everyone to read and get to work on the next good idea so be on the lookout
id like to read about a country where the first and foremost citizenship requirememnt is to smoke weed...not in a goofy way, but in a instittutions of state kind of way, family relations kind of way, international relations kind of know?
I'd fancy a 14th century themed erotica story teeming with anachronistic hints toward the rise of sexually transmitted diseases in the 21st century.. OK GO.