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I want to help my mother with her pain....

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Shalashaskatoka, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Ok heres the story, when my mother was around 30ish, she totally destroyed a disc in her back and had to get it removed. She use to do acupuncture and it helped her, but now she dosent do it anymore becasue our insurance does not cover it :rolleyes:. She got prescribed ridiculously strong pain killers, and refuses to take them because they knock her out for way too long, and she cant function during the day because the painkillers you need to get rid of spine based pain are ridiculously overkill powerful( hey gotta counter crippling pain somehow)

    I smoke for recreation, but I note that she could actually benefit from it. Now the question is, should I ask her if shes every thought about it, and or suggest trying it?

    she knows ive tried it, but I dont think she knows I smoke on a regular bases. I really want to help my mother, becasue it pains ME to know shes in:(pain lieing down and walking around. resting provides no relief.

    ironically, she/we are moving to cali so it wouldn't be hard for her to get it if we moved from maryland.:rolleyes:

    How GrassCity should I approach my mother to at least try weed a few times to see if it eases her pain? also if I were to do so, what strain would I want to try to get a hold of to let her try for pain relif. If my reading is correct, a heavy to moderate indica would be what im aiming for correct?
  2. If she doesn't like painkillers I don't see her liking marijuana, I don't think anyone can tell you how to 'approach' your own mom, we don't know her or you, if it were my mom I would just ask her if she wanted to try it for the pain.

  3. well as I noted the only reason she dosent like the painkillers is that it makes it impossible to function durring the day since that stuff puts you down hard. Hmm the straight up approach risky but effective :smoke:

  4. I'm very sorry to hear of your mom's back pain situation, severe chronic pain is a horrible thing to live with.

    Personally, I'd let her know that seeing her in pain all the time bothers you; you understand why she doesn't like taking pain medication; and you want her to find something that eases her pain so she can enjoy life without so much physical pain. Inform her that you've done some research on something that might help her. Ask her if she's ever considered mj for pain relief. Depending on her view, you might want to ask her to try to keep an open mind.

    Show her the medical benefits mj has for pain relief (see Granny Storm Crow's list). You can print out the information specific to your moms situation. You might also inform her that to benefit from its use, you do NOT have to smoke it, you can vape, there's edibles, tinctures, balm, etc....I'd also bring up the number of states that have legalized MJ for medical use, Canada, etc... (if necessary) and it might also help to let her know that the AMA (if you're in the States) is on board with MMJ.

    I think it's great that you're considering talking to your mom about another option for pain relief. :cool: MJ is much different than pain killers. ;)

    Good luck! :smoke:

  5. perfect approach thanks a lot
    +rep to you sir!

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