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I want to cure my street bought bud plz help

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by canofthebis, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Im pretty paranoid about contamiation and only buy small amounts of bud, but i want to start curing the bud as i hear this can help remove impurities, is that right?

    which is the best way to cure?

    thanks very much
  2. p.s will this help with schwag weed too?
  3. Curing bud is not going to remove any impurities from it..all is does for the most part is sit during the curing process. Do you expect does to magically disappear from your nug?

    If you cant find bud to your liking on the streets you need to look elsewhere.

    Schwag isnt worth messing with, either smoke it, make hash or edibles, or leave it alone. No need to try and cure a brick.
  4. lol curing schwag.

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