I want to be a firefighter but i love smoking

Discussion in 'General' started by canadiankush19, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. I want to be a firefighter, ive been thinking about jobs for a while and i think a firefighter is a perfect job for me. The only problem is that im a daily smoker, i smoke 1-2+ every day and i know id have to quit to be a firefighter

    The only problem is ive been smoking for 5ish years, about 3 years of it is smoking daily. I also have like $1000 in glass bongs. I also grow most of my personal weed, so id have to stop growing aswell

    It just seems like alot of stuff to have to give up all at once, i never want to quit smoking and have said for years that i never will (many in my family are older and smoke). But id also have to give up growing and thats a big hobby for me too

    I think i have to give up smoking, and growing within this year if i want to be a firefighter. Let me know how the GC community feels!
  2. It's up to you man. I personally wouldn't give up my freedom just to become a public servant. On the other hand, the taxpayer will pay you nicely and you'll probably get great benefits....you can always come back to cannabis later unless you need it for a medical issue. 
  3. Cant have your cake and eat it too. Whichever one mskes you more money which will help keep you off the streets. Choose that one.
  4. Would be a very difficult choice, I think I'd have to decide on what would make me happier in the long run, will you enjoy being a fire fighter for the next 20+ years? Or would you rather be able to get high every day for that time? To me, the fire fighting seems the bet option, but it all depends on the positive effects that weed has on you, for example I just like getting high and find it helps my anxiety a little, while someone else might use it because of their back pain and it might help then interact with people better.

    What's gonna improve your life more?
    What's gonna keep you steady and secure?
    What are you gonna enjoy more?
  5. Go to school and get a corporate gig. We never drug test.
  6. I think you should keep looking at jobs. And from everything I have heard, firefighters don't get paid great, in regards to what Elitist said.
    I agree you should continue looking and if you can't find anything else that interests you then you have your backup. As for the pay it depends on the state but I know in MA you're paid a lot like a teacher. At first it's pretty shit like 25k-30k but each year it gradually builds so if you stick with it for a long ass time you'd get over 50k a year eventually. 
  8. Whatever makes you happy man. Most of the options I am looking at require me to stop. 
  9. Decisions decisions......
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kEdr4FmbwU
  11. Get a medicinal card
  12. Won't help.
    An employer can still fire you for coming up positive for THC.
  13. dafuq really ?!
  14. Well in California it is.
    Not sure about ther states.
    Although I think its the same.
  15. Thanks for all the input and replies guys :) I think i want to try and be a firefighter and give up the smoking + growing, it really sucks to do but i think its worth it

    I just really would enjoy being able to come home after a long day of work and have a bowl, or a bowl at bed to help me sleep. It also helps my anxiety and ill never waste food on the platewhen i got my weed around!

    I got less then a year to wrap things up, and to see if this is my final decision

    Btw the other job career i was looking at was to be a contractor
  16. "I want to be a firefighter but I'm scared of burning to death"...... yea i think that fits.
  17. Maybe u lol
  18. [​IMG]
    Quit for now, get your training, find your first job, etc. Found out about your department's drug testing policy, unfortunately, most do have them. Most paid department's will require a drug test before hiring, and nearly all will drug test should you be significantly injured on the job, cause anyone else to be injured, or significantly damage property due to carelessness (be it theirs or the public's). Some do randoms, but not all. I was lucky enough to get hired by a department that doesn't last year.
    Unless you quit altogether, there will, of course, be risks to your employment. I've been working in fire and EMS for years, and while I have cut back a bit, I continue to smoke. Synthetic urine can come in handy. Most services have a 24-48 schedule, so daily smoking is kind of a no go anyway. Restricting your use to once or twice per week, especially if you have a high metabolism and low body fat, you should be able to piss clean within just a few days after smoking. Like I said, there are always risks. Use your own discretion. And please, do not ever smoke before work. Should go without saying, but people have surprised me before....
    Just my advice. Good luck to you :smoke:

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