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I Walked A Half Marathon to Buy Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dopethrone420, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 Dopethrone420, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    Fuck I'm so high I forgot how to edit the title so read my other posts
  2. How did you do this? Explain more please :wave: It's not something that is in my area i'm sure, but it still sounds very interesting.
  3. One step at a time IMO
  4. ........ :confused:

  5. Left-Right-Left-Right over and over again. I live in a decent sized town next to a major city, and my town has a lot of acreages south of it. For whatever reason my dealer had been at one of them for the last 3 days and couldn't get out of it, and I had nothing better to do, so I walked it.
  6. Lmao one step at a time
  7. WTF. I'm too stoned to work google maps but it says I travelled 13km which makes more sense.
  8. So you only walk a half of a half marathon is what your saying...
  9. you were walking mad fast
  10. Thats freakin hilarious, 13 km!!! Makes me think of the crazy shit me and my friends would do to go get weed...
    But now I have a medical license and those horrible days are over :D
  11. saaaaaame here ;)
  12. You know what I'd do for weed? Not that lol

    Maybe longboard or bike if it's a nice flat road or has a steady downgrade
  13. What about when your going back it would only be downhill one way!
  14. LOL thats 8 miles. ya i walked about 1/2 a mile today for a pickup, it was a nice healthy walk. but i took the bus so i wouldnt have to walk like 15 miles.
  15. Farthest I've gone was 6 miles round trip, for weed.

    But damn man! At least now when you smoke it you know you earned it!

  16. Idk... smoke before I go back and enjoy how ridiculous trying to skate uphill is lol:p
  17. I spy an addict.

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