I used to be liberal because i thought democrats stood for personal freedom & liberty

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MichiganPatient, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. And then this happened.


    And this


    And the worst


    Im starting to miss this guy

  2. Modern or neo-liberalism is a facade; it is a massive con. If you look at the history of liberalism, you will understand this.

    Classical liberalism actually evolved into libertarianism. Modern liberalism evolved from statism.

  3. Yeah to bad the "conservatism" of the republicans is just as lame as the "liberalism" of the democrats. Both partys are full of shit.

    I think our only real hope is the libertarians, assuming we could elect a real one president without them being bought by corporations.
  4. We'd also need a majority of Congress to be libertarian or at least leaning-libertarian to get anything done, and even then it would be a pain in the ass. But yeah, republicans are really no better; neo-cons.
  5. I used to be a libertarian because I thought that it was a third party.

    Then they nominated Bob Barr for president. Now I realize that the LP is simply where old republicans go to die.
  6. #6 morefreedom, Feb 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2010

    The Libertarian party is where Republicans go after they realize that their party has turned to shit. I realized that the Republican party is useless and now I'm a Libertarian.

    Btw the Democratic party is even worst and quite possibly the biggest piece of shit in existence.
  7. They all suck, but they apparently provide enough stability to stop revolution. I thought there would be one when Bush was in power. Now we're in a depression with another possible 4 trillion bailout, and most people realize the banks stole their money. Yet still nothing.
  8. Fixed. :smoking:
  9. Thats what executive orders are for. He must abuse the system heavily to get any real change!

  10. Lol; that made me smile. :D
  11. Politicians stand for only one thing ... re-election. But, please, no more BUSH ...
  12. I used to be Republican, because I thought they would not steal my money.

    Vote Libertarian.

    Anything else is a waste of your vote. And our rights!
  13. You mean censored.

    An indication of how you want things to be?

  14. Was something wrong in Shade's revised version of Nokturnal's statement? The state stole the money from the taxpayers and then gave it to the banks at 0% interest.
  15. No political party can reasonably stand for individual liberty, in the same way that a convicted rapist can't stand for women's rights. The two are fundamentally opposed to one another and will exist in a constant state of struggle until one or the other is disposed of.
  16. Maybe "Gault" is a play on words, because Ayn Rand's John Galt is not represented well at all by the contents of GC's John Gault.

    Apparently the government didn't steal our money... I would beg to differ.
  17. #17 lord chronic, Feb 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2010
    I wouldn't go so far as to say they are fundamentally opposed to each other. They conspire together quite frequently, and vote rather similarly on many issues. I don't think they will ever destroy each other, because they need each other. Kinda like the policy of perpetual warfare they force upon us, there is no actual goal as far as the war goes, the war is merely a means to a disgusting end.
    Naw man, they should have done more. If they would just triple the stimulus next time we'll all be living high.
  18. No no no no, the state was robbed by the banks. See, the corporations are like the evil ones. The state can only be benevolent because they represent our interests, unlike the corporations who would kill us all if they had the opportunity.

    What really happened, you see, is that the corporations failed because they knew we needed them, so they are actually responsible for stealing the money that was given to them by the state. Really we had no choice, and the Republicans and Bush cornered us into it.

    In addition; deregulation, greed, oil, social justice, oppression, profits, yada yada yada

    /retard's advocate
  19. That is a statement I could agree with.

    And no I was not failed Republican.

    I was Republican once at the poles.

    Always was libertarian, One vote. And I'm back.

    That does not mean I just love everybody else who is.

    Or anybody who governs me.

    I refuse to be red or blue like I'm told to.

    Failed Republicans are TEA baggers.

    And kiddo I ain't one of those.
  20. I dont understand why the fact that there are shitty corporatist members of the democratic party makes it hard for you to be a liberal. I'm proud to be a progressive but in no way proud of the democratic party. There are real arguments to be had between conservatives and liberals, and you cant frame the discussion by associating every liberal with Nancy Pelosi or every conservative with Sarah Palin. Most actual liberals and conservatives are extremely disappointed with their respective parties, that doesn't mean you should just be politically agnostic. Dont let your opinions about a parties leadership effect your opinions about the actual substance behind each parties policies.

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