I thought I saw...

Discussion in 'General' started by IndyAir, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Well, you know how you sometimes see something and it is actually another thing on closer inspection (obviously while baked).

    Like right now before posting I thought I saw a penguin. I could swear it was a penguin. But when I went to look at it, it was a shoe that was standing vertically.

    Just wondering if this happens to anyone else? :confused:

    Also, I tried looking for a similar thread via search and failed. So if there is one, can someone point it out and i'll delete this thread :)
  2. #2 MasterOG, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    I want to be in the universe you're in :hippie:

  3. Haha yeah, I am quite baked. Used the last of my kief stash (I have nothing left now, so I thought i'd start my T-Break count down from today to make me feel like I have been on break for longer lol :p)
  4. Happened to me last night.

    Smoked a.bowl of some headband and some.northern.

    Thought a dude was staring at me from around my hallway. Turna out its a blue and red water bottle.
  5. All the time. Never seen anything like a penguin tho ha ha ha
  6. one time i thought i saw a portal open up in the ceiling and 3-10+ bluish ephemeral beings framed in blinding light peered down at me through it, all singing to me in the same high pitched vibration, like one extended note.

    im pretty sure it was real. what's real, right?

  7. Well it was my black and white shoe. And the pattern make it look like a penguin lol. And the lighting made it tricky to see it was a shoe.

    I actually sat there and thought "A penguin? What the hell would that be doing in my house?! Nah, it can't be... Maybe I had better take a look anyway"
  8. This happens frequently when baked, especially when walking the streets at night.
  9. Once though I saw a small horse it was just far away though.
  10. I have often done this, I like double take on something thinking I saw something else. A common one for me being, me thinking I saw a large spider however it was just a piece of fuzz of hair or something. :smoke::smoke:
  11. You high.

  12. Only to be slapped in the back of the head with a flipper ha ha ha. I think I see people all the time. I don't think I see too many out of place things tho

    Yea I see 'bugs' all the time too
  13. All the time dude. One time I couldn't figure out that I was staring at my cat for like 20 minutes from across the room, it looked so strange and out of place I thought it was something else. No idea what but is sure as hell wasn't my cat.
  14. I do this sober.

    When I'm not wearing my glasses (which is VERY often) I always do it. Like when driving, I'm like, "Is that a person?....no it's a mail box"

    Makes you feel safe on the roads doesn't it.
  15. sometimes, yeah....i distinctly remember seeing my wifes handbag as the head of a demon type bad thing...
  16. i thought i saw a pussy cat
    I did, I did! see a pussy cat.
  17. Happens to me all the time when I'm baked.
  18. Glad to know i'm not the only one this happens to :D

    If I see any more i'll post them up for fun :smoke:
  19. I have a balcony in my house and i looked over my balcony into the living room and i thought i saw a pig wrapped in a blanket but it was just a coat. i proceeded to ask WTF is that to my whole family while thier sitting on the couch..just a little awkward
  20. I think you should post a picture of these shoes because I want me some penguin footwear.

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