I got my hair test today after 87 days clean and lots of Mac methods among other cleansers. My hair is about nine inches long, VERY thin, light brown (dyed from dirty blond). The nurse didn't seem to know what she was doing. She folded the first snippit in half and I asked her, do you know which end is which and she said yeah then just sort of stuffed it into the packet. My hair was seriously all over the place. After I expressed my concern, she took another couple of samples and seemed to be a little more careful with those and placed them with what looked like the correct end out. Overall though, it was not a nice and neat affair. Has anyone else encountered this? Will the lab be able to tell which end is which? Would I have any recourse in this situation?
If she messed it up and you are clean, why would it matter? Maybe I don't understand the problem. If you are afraid if you smoke, and have to take another test you, will not pass? And cleaned up for nothing? If that's what is going on, I would say no, you will have no recourse. They will ask you to submit another sample.
I want them to test the roots, that are clean. I do not want them to test the end of my hair that is NOT clean. How can they tell the difference if the nurse put my hair in there willy nilly?
i dont know much about how they do the test but i think if there is anything to find in your hair they are gonna find it.
If you are that worried and are doing something that requires a hair test you should have gotten it cut.
Well that's not up to you man. Last time I checked most hair samples are dissolved in a solution and then tested.
This might be a silly question but: If this was your concern why didn't you just get a haircut? Could you REALLY not afford to have 8-inch-long hair for a while? Finally, I'm pretty sure that they test the entire hair, so it's not likely to matter how she put it into the bag.
They would not accommodate such a request, even if you told her exactly how to put it in the package. You should have gotten it cut short. They have your hair, it's too late now.
Hair tests are only supposed to go back ninety days, meaning the first inch and a half of hair. That is why it is so important to make sure the hair is put into the foil correctly. I assumed the person taking the snippet would know what she was doing. I'm a girl and cutting my hair down to an inch and a half was frankly not an option. Also, showing up to my first day of work with a buzz cut might arouse some suspicions.
LOL, oh I see. I don't see how a person taking a hair sample would take it in such a way as to benefit the person being tested. I think your expectations were unrealistic at best. Good luck, I hope you pass!
It wasn't a request I was making, it's the way the test is supposed to be taken. The package she was putting the hair into clearly stated which end the root was supposed to be pointing. It's not like I was trying to get her to do it MY way. I was trying to get her to do it THE CORRECT WAY.
If she took root amples, the lab tech will know which end of the hair to test, if they test the roots. If you are clean and they test the roots, there shouldn't be a problem. If the ends of your hair are where the thc content would be, why would they test the roots?Something about this doesn't make sense. If it is a big deal, they will probably make you take the test again. I don't see how you can win this one. What's done is done. I wish you could smoke a little to relieve your anxiety.
Oh man me too. And just to try to clarify: The rule is, they can only test back ninety days, meaning, the first inch and a half of hair closest to the scalp. They can't test just any part of the hair. It can ONLY be the first inch and a half (which on me, is the "clean" part). That is why the package they seal the hair into clearly indicates which way the root of the hair is supposed to be pointing. The nurse that took my hair didn't seem to understand this and folded my hair in half which means both the root and the ends were pointing out. That is why I am worried. I was clean for almost ninety days meaning the first inch and half of my hair (the part of the hair that is legally allowed to be tested) should be clear. If the ends of my hair ended up pointing out, that would mean the "dirty" part may be the part that ends up getting checked. Anyway, it made me mad because I've worked to stay clean for this and now I'm just really worried about it. Wish me luck.