I think my roommate wants to have sex with me

Discussion in 'General' started by Misc, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. Or else he's really big on gay jokes.

    How should I test my theory?
  2. Dick in a box.
  3. Sit on his lap and see if anything pops up
  4. Leave a long and smooth object in the shower. If after a few weeks you find brown marks on it, your friend is gay.
  5. Try something like this

  6. Examples?

    You two should just get drunk together and see what happens
  7. do you want him to be gay?
  8. Hes probably just big on gay jokes, i doubt he gay. Ask him if hes had a girlfriend idk

  9. Look at his mouth. If there's a penis in it, he's probably gay.
  10. You should just ask him. Better to get it out in the open either way.

    Wait for the right moment and word it like this: "Dave, I've been wondering, would you like to have sex with me?"

    On a serious note though. You really could just approach the subject sensitively. Or if you have any mutual female friends, they'd probably be a good person to ask.
  11. Find an actual gay guy and have him hang out with your roommate, he'll be able to tell.
  12. Leave a bottle of chloroform out and see if you wake up with a sore ass.

  13. Looooooooooolllllllllllllllllllll
  14. Have you tried just asking him?
  15. if he tries date raping you, hes probably gay
  16. Lock him in a room with me for a few hours. Lock us in with weed and cookies. I'll find out for you >:]
  17. Cookies - how to get a probably straight guy into bed.

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