the fucking dugout keeps stealing my shit like ill put a gram in it ill pack a couple of one hitters then BAM i look and no more weed dayymmm bro im sad =[
sounds like you need to learn how to properly light a bowl, u must be one of those smokers who'll torch a bowl even if its already rollin (rollin= will burn from just inhaling, doesnt need lit) man i fuckin hate when people light the bowl everytime they hit it and hold the lighter there most of the hit, once the weed has been initially burnt a lil u only need to put flame on it for like 2 seconds to get it goin
i hate when i read a post about something,,,then go too post my 2 cents on the sub......then i scroll down,,,,and see that its already posted....thats what i fucking hate
Yeah dude are you torching your cherries? No need to re-light every hit. If i have a good salad bowl i'll spark it MAYBE twice. Usually only need it once.
I hate torchers, I dont say nothing if its there bud but if its my bud I will tell you dont fucking torch that shit
what?? im confused. how can you torch a dugout? are we talking about the right dugouts? one hitters right?
Thats what I was thinking...... you can't corner a one hitter.......... WTF are you guys talking about?
If it makes you feel any better ive seen people light bowls with those propane torches... they usually end up buring the shit out of themselves tho and i get a good laugh out of it. get a designated blazing light (preferably bic) and super glue a penny to the bottom, then after lighting it the first time hold the penny flush to the top of the bowl piece and this will keep it cherry alot longer, plus you get stronger hits i think
all i use is a one hitter, my batty. you either can pack a 1 hitter or a 2 hitter. i usualy pack 2 hitters. i break my weed up real fine, put it in a pile and press the batty into it a couple of times. then light it up for a few seconds and use your bics reflection to see the cherry. inhale till you have a hit and watch the cherry go away. light it up again and youll see through the reflection that youre near cashed. if it is all gone then a quick tap with the lighter will send the ash out. if you didnt smoke it all...the weed thats not burnt will be packed in the bottom still. good luck.