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I think its dank.. UPDATED

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Deep Roots, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. #1 Deep Roots, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012

    super dense nugs, one small ball nugget was 1.5somethin




    smells extremely strong and skunky with a scent of fruit something haha and looks just don't show the high this bud packs:cool:; taste like these

    payed 60 for 4.5g, went in on a 9g bag for 135;brother got 5g:devious: lol, new hookup went down to 15g for now on :D:hello:
  2. update: im sitting at the computer and the smell has leaked through the film canister it's in:eek: and now the room smells like skunk:)
  3. Its dank
  4. Thats trimmed really well man nice pickup
  5. Dank as hell. Nice pickup!
  6. DAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY nk. nice grab.
  7. Is that bits of purple on the leaves I see? Amber trichs? I think I know where you got that from lol. :hello:
  8. #8 sourjello73, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    Good stuff man, enjoy. Looks like good bud for joint. Throw 'er in a grinder
  9. Yeah no kidding man you got some beautifully trimmed buds :smoke:
  10. Looks fk'n skunkalicious. Happy toking bro, stay high :)

  11. haha yeah, that was my first thought when i picked up

  12. Thanks man, it does grind up really good, but im just bongin and bowl packin with this bag; gotta conserve:smoke: lol
  13. I would usually get like 5G of even better skunk that you have for like 35e.
    And its a dime bag normally so, 10 for a G if you buy 1 at a time or so...
    You paid a little too much in my oppinion. And its not that frosty.
    But hey man, its very good stuff, some people never get to taste that.
  14. looks dank, and nicely manicured.
  15. looks like the standard quality nugs.
  16. what does it smell like when you crack a nug
  17. I really feel like I've seen that bud before.

    Where are you located?

  18. NC Toker :smoke:

  19. very skunky fruity and alittle sour, idk just really good general dank smell. when i first got it, it was overwhelming:D, but i'v got use to it i suppose:p
  20. #20 sourjello73, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012

    No doubt dude. You kinda got screwed on the price though haha. And nice. I like to roll J's of my super fruity weed. I love the taste of joints. Your buds actually look like these buds I had a couple months ago.. You describe the smell to be the same too. We probably had very similar strains. Check it out

    Photo doesn't wana upload, I'll try again later, I wana show you now haha

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