I think I'm ready to try acid.

Discussion in 'General' started by Alphå, May 26, 2007.

  1. So my life has been pretty stressful lately... But I've overcome that.

    I want to eat a tab of acid and become experienced.

    I'm going to write myself a note just in case:

    Sam, your on acid. It will wear off in 8 hours. You are not going to die. Enjoy it and let it make you better.

    Anything I should add? I've got a mixed mentality going into this. I know my mind is prone to wandering to bad things, but then again I have this strange subconsciousness that always views things from the outside, and I always seem to come out on top.

    Also, is $15 a hit a decent price? My friend bought a 10-strip yesterday and I'll probably give him $20 for it because he's dope and I think its worth $20.
  2. more like 12-24 hrs depending on how much and how good...
    ur gonna not want to do it if ur not sure u are not gonna have a bad trip. u have to know ur gonna be fine...
    be safe

    ps. look at the ceiling.. put that in ur note.. lol
  3. Most people will say your paying to much but it's worth it. The note thing isn't needed just remember 3 things. Be with people you know well and can trust,be in a place you feel comfortable, and be in a good mood with others that are in a good state of mind.
  4. go and do it in nature. Positive vibrations my friend.
  5. I thought I was ready for acid and shrooms because I enjoyed salvia and completely was under control when I smoked it. I heard that salvia was one of the most potent psychedelics so I thought I could handle anything. I'm not going to try to Psyche you out, but this is my personal opinion:

    If you don't feel you have strong mental tendancies (you're normally a happy person and have stable moods) this is not good. I'm not talking about your intelligence, I'm talking about about your EMOTIONAL stability.

    Make sure your physical, mental, and emotional settings are all in the best standings as possible. If you've just encountered emotional stressor recently, your sub-conscious is going to FUCK with you. Trust me. When you take a psychedelic drug, you are going to completely explore your sub-conscious. You're sub-conscious is something you're not aware of in your normal state-of-mind. So in all honestly, you don't know 100% if your ready or not.

    And lastly, DO NOT DO IT ALONE! Make sure you have a sitter, and not just any sitter. Sit him down and tell him if you are feeling you are having a bad trip, that his reaction to it can make it that much worse. Have him react calm and make sure he gives you reassurance.

    I made the mistake of thinking I was ready (I prepared for 2 weeks, researched, medatated, and mentally prepared myself.). I did it alone with no sitter. Worst experience of my life. I will NEVER touch another psychedelic drug again. I could very easily be dead, or seriously injured right now.


    Please take this into consideration, because I wish someone would have explained this to me before I tripped.5
  6. tell us a story, if you don't mind. i enjoy reading psychedelic drug related stories.
  7. Damn that must have been a bad trip, but i plan on taking acid and shrooms this summer. I got connects 4 both of them 10 a hit on acid and 15 an 8th for shrooms I have siter planed 4 each of them or at least some 1 2 do it with me.
  8. psychedelics should not be taken lightly for some

    in my opinion and all my friends who do the shit i do, it really isn't much, you just have a real good time. i mean i've tripped hard with people and alone and i've always had control of everything, hell i found my way home on 5 hits of acid once, it was one helluva a walk though, you should be fine, don't psyche yourself out.

  9. While I respect our high-posting friends, I have to say this-That's irresponsible, and complete bullshit. You NEVER know what could happen. I grow and trip off of my own shrooms, a few times a week, and usually a 1/4 oz. I've never had a bad trip, but I still treat it with caution. The one time you don't have your guard up, is the time you'll have the trip from hell.

    To the OP: I didn't notice whether you had any experience with DXM,Salvia, Shrooms. If you haven't try those before you try acid. The fact you said " I think" I'm ready, means you're not. Think it over, and get some robotussin,salvia, or shrooms. Try them a couple times. Remember, shrooms will be over within 8 hours, most likely. Acid will take your ENTIRE day away, and you won't notice.
  10. there's a lot to be said about willingness to release oneself to a drug.
    know yourself, know the drug, but don't rely on the knowledge of either to guide you through the experience.
  11. Exactly what I came in to say
  12. Thanks, I feel smart now, lol. I just cannot believe the ignorance of people when it comes to giving advice. " Yeah man, take that acid shit doooderz!! It'll be like 8 hours, and you be fine dawggg trust me lolz!!!!zomgorz!!!"

    I just can't listen to it. I feel like giving these people 10 hits of acid and saying " have a nice day"

  13. i agree treat it with caution, but as an experienced tripper, you must agree with me, psychadelics aren't that bad and if you are in the right state of it's unlikely to have a bad trip

    i've had one bad trip, my first mushroom trip, second trip off anything, and i talked myself out of it, so i've never really been too scared about bad trips

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