I think I'm going Schizophrenic...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by GrahamAPhone, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I'm scared... What should I do?
  2. See your doctor, first of all.
  3. Go to the doctor.
  4. Yeah, I'd say its doctor time....I speak from many yrs of experience, unfort...I say "NIP it"
  5. As a schizo myself either see a doc, or you're just retarded
  6. Ignore it

    Nah, you need to get a doctor as soon as possible
  7. I had a friend that was diagnosed schizophrenic. he was completely normal on the outside. Whenever something dramatic would happen it would trigger a phsychotic episode. We hung out everyday, maybe his case was mild but i think they are completely functional?

    Anyways, good luck
  8. yes schizo can and usually are completely functioning people
  9. I think your only option is to adopt a code and get a boat. Proceed to kill murderers using plastic wrap at the kill site to get rid of any evidence. Cut up the body and place them in biodegradable trash bags, sail out into the bay and dump the body over the side.

    It may have been done before.
  10. #10 uhohspaghettio, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    You ever fuck with em?

    Tell em his car just got towed or something?

    Poking fun at someone with a mental disorder truly does not fly on the forums and I don't want to see it again. -Durchii
  11. lol schizo's are normal ppl we just see/hear shit sometimes and have problems with proper emotional responses. Hell 99% of people tell me i'm lying when i say i'm schizophrenic, you'd be surprised at how well people can do with fucked up mental issues. It all comes down to how strong you are personally.
  12. You're just high.
  13. #13 Renot, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011


    Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that causes delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.
    Sociopaths are the ones that have problems feeling emotions.

    By the way, most people think your lying because 95% of the time people say they're bipolar, schizophrenic, OCD, ect without having ever been diagnosed by a doctor. Meaning they're lying.
  14. i didn't say feeling i said problems with proper emotional response such as laughing at killing, crying when something good happens etc etc.
  15. That still falls under sociopath, not schizophrenic.

    But Im just arguing semantics. I appoligize.
  16. See a doc stat... I thought I was having some dome problems but I read into it and realized it was something to do with my canna. receptors after long term exposure then sudden stopping. Does it happen mainly with white noise(background noise) are you having fear of leaving the house agoraphobia... Hit me up with a PM if you need someone to chat to I know a decent bit about mental issues as I'm anticipating on going to med school and specializing in neurology/psychiatric disorders.
  17. Technically it is a well known part of schizophrenia and personally i think its the worse trait second only to the paranoia/delusional problems.

  18. Those things do not make someone a sociopath. A sociopath is someone who's devoid of a conscience.
  19. ...There are so many different things that make up a phycological profile it's pointless to argue about what makes someone this or that.

    Devoid of a conscience? That alone doesn't make you a sociopath. I don't have a conscience to speak of, a tour in Iraq tought me that, but I still feel emotions such as love, loss, companionship...which means I'm decidedly NOT a sociopath.
  20. OH another bit of advice don't drop any L... that may make your symptoms worse.

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