I think I'm dying.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JustForMJ, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Guys i walked to friends, smoked 2gs of blue dream, walked home and noones here. It's 4 degrees out with wind, and I've been out here in a tiny hoody for a hour. I'm typing on my fucking iPod and it's so hard and I'm so high. Fuckkkkkk why did I forget my phone! Pmfgggg
    • Like Like x 1
  2. My fire place is on and I'm drinking a frappe with cinnamon and a touch of honey... Got my wool socks on, foot up on the ottoman.. Astrally project yourself here!
  3. Damn you must be a frozen meatpopsicle by now!

  4. loooool
  5. You know what you must do, burn your iPod for warmth.
  6. would you say this

    a) kills your high or
    b) inhances it?
  7. This is the second time you've made a thread about supposedly dieing.

    I'll rep you this time, but just know that if you make a third thread about dieing, i'm probably not going to believe it.
  8. Holy crap I was cold. And it didn't een kill my high cause im still feeling aight.
  9. do you know what id say we are all pretty damn high right now.

    Thank you george.

  10. hell yeah geoorge! WOOT!
  11. I've been locked out with my iPod before.

    Do what I did and go to app store and download the free text app.
  12. lol @ Capslock. I know what you're up to sir.
  13. Lol I am laughing my ass off second night in a row way to go grasscity!
  14. hooray for funny ass threads :hello:

    Looks like Capslock needs to change his name to Like Button :bongin:
  15. OP dude I know what you're sayin... I can't text for shit when I'm high and cold. My fingers just don't wanna move >_>

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