I think I prefer to be stoned alone than when I'm with friends :/

Discussion in 'General' started by McMuffinMe, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Is that weird?

    I have social anxiety, but I handle it ok. I'm not completely crippled by it, but when I smoke pot I can get so paranoid about what people think about me, and I just want to disappear cause I'm too high, shy and confused. I feel like I'm constantly making an ass of myself :p

    Can anyone relate to this or am I alone? Occasionally it works out, but it's almost not worth the risk.
  2. I relate, except for me it's opposite. I have anxiety also but the only time I do feel completely comfortable around people is when I'm high.

    by the way there's nothin wrong with gettin high alone, good time for self reflection. Usually I'll put on some tunes, throw on some headphones, and float away..
  3. its not like alcohol. Getting stoned by yourself is totally cool to do. I get stoned much faster when im by myself. Its really weird. When im with friends, i can smoke bowl after bowl. But by my self i can take like 2 good hits and be where i want to be.:hello:
  4. I only enjoy smoking with GOOD friends. Not some asshole friends who love to be buzzkills. That's why I smoke alone 90% of the time. I can get as high as I want and eat all the food I want.
  5. for real. Most people get happy and cooler when they smoke. But some people just turn into straight asshole anti social weirdos. and nobody wants to be around them when stoned. Id rather play it safe and smoke with my close cuddies my fam bam. my brothers from other mothers.. if they vouch for someone ill smoke with them, otherwise i am very picky. hahah:cool::confused_2:
  6. sometimes being high alone can be a trip thou...its easier to start thinking bad things alone since theres just u and ur thoughts
  7. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression. When I first started smoking I didn't get anxious. Then I stopped for awhile did it again and started having panic attacks. Then I stopped once again, restarted, and now I don't have any panic attacks. Sometimes I will have mild anxiety if I get really high but thats pretty natural. Just remember to go with the flow.

    I used to enjoy smoking alone when I had anxiety. Once your tolerance builds up however you might find that smoking with others is enjoyable. If you're really blazed sometimes its way more interesting being by yourself at home or w.e.

  8. the key is to not be afraid and just go with it, ride the high, don't fight it
  9. Listen to:
    In The Fade by Queens of the Stone Age
  10. I get high alone most of the time as well. It probably has something more to do with the fact that I don't have anyone that i really enjoy getting high with, unfortunately. Anyway, being high alone allows me to control everything, which is important for me. I can listen to the exact music I want (which can often be a big friction point among people) and do exactly what i want. Which sometimes includes masturbating because it feels so good :devious:

    Yeah, that's happened to me before a few times and i just can't stop worrying about something and it ruins the high. I'd think that if i didn't have a more rational mind that i could worry myself into an anxiety attack.
  11. I show the symptoms of social anxiety. No worries though in most groups. Its all about the company you choose to keep. Here's a little off beat advice that may assist you. Be compassionate toward the person that is you. That person is going to make mistakes, say dumb things, put their foot in their mouth. If you are the kind of person that is kind and accepting of others then turn that empathetic quality inward in times of doubt/anxiety and treat yourself with the compassion you would treat others. Try not to get frustrated, it takes patience.
  12. I prefer getting high alone too. When your alone you can control things a lot better than if someone was there with you. Music, atmosphere, etc. Plus it allows you to just think and reflect. I hate smoking with assholes who are just about getting high and nothing else. Like they smoke just to be cool or whatever. Plus I don't really have a choice in the matter. Everyone I know who smokes weed are assholes or just thuggish types :rolleyes:
  13. I prefer to smoke alone. No social anxiety or anything, just had some bad experiences with good friends who can't handle their shit.
  14. i think that just about everyone i know prefers to smoke alone

    i like to do what the fuck i want to do, when i want to do it. I don't gotta worry about what my friends want to do or any of that bullshit

    don't get me wrong, i love smoking with other people. but nothing beats a few bowls to the dome after a long day
  15. I know exactly how you feel. I like smoking alone or with a close group of friends because we've been high together soooo many times that we're totally used to how the others act when they're high. Most of the times I've smoked with new people it's been pretty weird because we're not really from the same group of friends ya know, we have different styles, listen to different music, stuff like that. Like there have been times where I put on some music(I guess it's underground, I stay away from stuff on the radio) either rap or reggae or dubstep and people have told me to change it because it's lame, that PISSES ME OFF and it might kill my high because I'm trying to contain myself.
  16. Yeah I like to smoke alone and with other people, but I only smoke with people I can trust, and the thing I like about smoking alone is than you don't have to worry about the cops or somebody doin something stupid or your friend drivin home whatever its pretty chill, but there is nothing like smokin with a good friend
  17. When you smoke alone you need to be realll comfortable with the person your toking with. Its really a cool experience

  18. I have social anxiety too. So its normal and not weird that you prefer to smoke alone, I like smoking with friends but thats because I have learned to trust my friends and not feel weird around them. They are your friends man, if they are anything like mine, you shouldn't be worried around them. They already know you enough that they can expect half the stupid shit you will do, and will probably not care.

    You need to just stop thinking, and stop thinking about thinking. Social anxiety is kidn of like a bad trip. You can't think your way out of it. Your brain isn't wired like that. You just have to chill, realise your fears are irrational, realise that worst case scenario they cannot kill you, and just start enjoying yourself. If your ever feeling weird, just start dancing. Thats how I roll.

    Eagles- "....don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand, just find a place to make your stand and TAKE IT EASY."

  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-vwPuiILBc]YouTube - Big Lebowski - I Hate The F***ing Eagles[/ame]
  20. Depends on the weed.

    Some weeds are social (I find hash is very social for me) and some are different. Like when I smoke a sativa I like to do some stupid work.

    Of course everyone is different and there is no such thing as good advice on this

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