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I think I messed up my QWISO...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Jsmith35, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Okay, so I know QWISO is like the easiest thing to make in the world. Normally I just let it air dry overnight, but I started watching videos where people would put their Pyrex dish on a stovetop. I liked that idea, because I thought it would be better for getting rid of all of the alcohol. The videos I watched showed the whole process taking a little less than an hour for the mix to dry.

    I put the dish on a portable stovetop I bought for this exact reason. The videos I watched said to put it on the lowest heat possible, and you should start to see it come to a low boil. After two hours, nothing was happening. I turned the heat setting up, and it still wasn't boiling. I thought it was a problem with my portable stovetop, so I cranked it up halfway. After awhile, it still wasn't boiling, but I noticed it was evaporating a bit. I came back to check on it after about five minutes, and it the liquid was all gone.

    The edges of the plate had produced some oil (very liquidy oil), but the middle was all dusty stuff. I scraped it and put it into parchment paper, but I'm wondering if I should even smoke it. Did I completely ruin it? I know this is very amateurish, but this is only my third time making it, and my first time using the heating method. I'm so pissed at myself right now.
  2. that fine smoke it
  3. Will it hurt if there's still some alcohol in it? I'm not sure if it cooked out all the way, considering how oily the product is. I just quickly took it off the stove for fear of ruining it even more.
  4. I just took a hit of it out of my ecig wax tank, and it just kinda tastes like burnt air. I don't know how else to describe it. No weed taste at all.
  5. I've made QWISO from ABV and got a brown powder that didn't make a high along with oil that did. Your oil would have needed to get pretty hot to vaporize the THC out of it, hotter than you could stand to touch. Get a seed starter mat to purge the alcohol, they won't get too hot, just barely warm which is all you need. Don't dry too much at a time so you get a thin film. Too thick and it will form a skin making it hard to get all the alcohol and water out. Sometimes I let mine dry for a couple of days because I like it firm enough to handle with bare hands. If it still has alcohol it'll sting your throat.
  6. I find that the shorter the wash the drier the product. I usually scrape it all in a pile and then throw it into a 170 Fahrenheit oven until it melts to shatter. You can also throw it on parchment and run it through a low temp hair straightener really quickly.
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  7. I definitely left it in the wash too long. The mix was very green, so I guess a lot of chlorophyll was left in it. I did a number of things wrong. I was basically doing most of it on memory. Since I couldn't get the solution to simmer (like the video showed), I kept turning the heat up. I finally turned the stove settings to half heat. I don't know if that's enough to cook all the THC out or not. The product I have now looks like mud, and smells like burnt skunk, so I don't know if that means it's bad, or its just all the chlorophyll giving a bad smell.

    The mixture ended up evaporating so fast, due to the high heat, and I left the room, so I have no idea how long it was on the burner after the alcohol had already evaporated. Like I said, the middle was this sticky dust, and the edges of the plate (where it was exposed to less heat) was oily. I mixed it together, so it's kind of an oily, crumbly mixture. It kinda looks like mud. I've only smoked it from my vape pen once. Instead of melting on the coil, it kinda turns into a hard ash. It turns into a little charred rock.

    I wasn't sure if I felt much from it, so I'm worried that I cooked all the potency out of it. Hopefully this is enough information. I've refrained from smoking any more of it until I hear from some of you guys.
  8. Did you filter out the smeg? That's what the muddled middle could be.
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  9. I guess not. Last time I did it, I didn't have any particles in it. I didn't think I'd have to do it this time. Is it still smokable? I only really care about getting the effects out of it at this point. Taste and look/consistency are out of the window at this point.
  10. Don't make qwiso, no matter what you do you can't get all the iso out. If you are going to use alcohol then use food grade alcohol

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  11. The alcohol isn't necessarily bad for you (used on open wounds, so it's decently safe to be in the blood stream), but it will make your smoke extremely harsh. Whenever I clean my vaporizer, if I don't let it run for a couple minutes to burn off the alc, the first 10 hits hurt like hell
  12. Do you use a special smeg filter for this?
  13. #13 forty winks, Mar 21, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    What I do is -

    After separating the weed from the iso, I put the jar of liquid in the fridge for a couple of hours and sometimes over night. Overnight is better. The smeg settles and then I carefully pour off the crystal clear liquid into a clean glass container, usually a measuring cup. Then I pour the smegy liquid through a brown coffee filter and combine the two liquids. Then proceed as per usual.

    I should add, I now use this tipped turkey baster to siphon off the clear liquid, kind of a wine thief for oil production -

  14. Oh, that smeg. I'm an idiot, I thought you were kidding. I like the hypo needle attachment for that baster.
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  15. You are comparing a first aid treatment to inhaling vaporized iso fumes. iso is not safe and leaves impurities no matter what you do.

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  16. You can easily remove all the alcohol by double boiling and if you use 99% with 1% water you're not getting any impurities.

    Qwiso is easy to fuck up and make a gross oilly green mess that is full of leftover alcohol and chlorophyll.
  17. You are forgetting about the leftover bullshit in iso that doesn't evaporate out. Just like butane has mystery oil if not distilled, iso always has something in it that doesn't fully come out. Thats why everclear, or grain alcohol is preferred

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  18. What do you mean? 99% isopropyl alcohol only has 1% water as a contaminant. If you double boil your oil you should remove all the alcohol as it boils at 78°C and boiling water is 100°C.

    if you use something like ever clear, you will be introducing more sugars and other contaminants than 99% ISO.
  19. I'm sure there's a few molecules of some chemical or another left in QWISO and BHO but you inhale far more impurities while driving to the market. Well made QWISO is as clean and healthy as BHO and it's far more pure than smoking bud so if you ever smoke bud you have no reason to turn up your nose at QWISO. IMO you're sounding like a vegan talking about how pure his diet is.
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  20. I think you are missing what i am saying. Iso bad, grain alcohol good. Butane bad, distilled butane good. Simple enough?

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