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I think I have laced buds

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by DJspinbad, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. Someone told me that my shit was laced. I think its juts good shit, cause it smells awesome! I was wondering since I have a bubbler won't that filter it?
  2. I highly highly doubt your shit is laced. You can almost always tell just by looking at it...if there is some sort of white powder, or other unidentified substance that is certainly not part of the bud, then maybe yea it is laced, and no, smoking out of a bubbler probably won't do shit to help filter it out.
  3. It's not laced.
  4. nobody gonna lace it and not up the price cause the other shit they may lace it with cost $$$ too they arent gonna give u some shit for free
  5. it might be laced if it tastes like chemicals when u smoke it, but even then, it could just mean that the grower didn't properly flush his plants before harvest and there were residual traces of fertelizer left in the plant material... but chances are that its just good bud and your friend is an idiot... no offense. I once got weed laced with coke and i knew it was laced on the first hit.. peace
  6. it could have some chemicals (not visible to eye) floating around in it somewhere...that could intense the high or make it feel laced
  7. yea your shit is laced...send your shit to me and i'll get rid of those laced buds for you ;)
  8. if it was laced with coke or pcp you'd know it, it could be sprayed with something to make it look like it has more crystals, which isn't good for you, but your friend probably just doesnt know what he's talking about
  9. yep ur shits prolly laced with RAID...
  10. Its called haze. that shit smells liek piss and chemicals.
  11. don't be mislead about water filtration, either. The water absorbs heat from the smoke, and almost nothing else. Whatever is in the smoke will still be there after it passes through the water.

    Why did your friend say it was laced? Did he show any evidence to support the idea?
  12. It's been said before but Common, this should be COMMON sense.

    A dealer isn't going to lace his buddah unless he raises his prices.

    NO one would give free drugs away and definetly not someone you're used to purchasing them from.
  13. Man your shit aint laced.
  14. Lol everyone shut his ass up.
  15. there isn't a sticky thread on this shit yet? someone should make one.

  16. True that, but i wanted to hate on ur icon, cause the shit im smokin u can smell through the glass nugga
  17. Some lacing techniques are so refined that even a seasoned toker will be unable to tell that just by looking at it or smelling it.

    Here in Europe we've seen glass, ironrust, heavy metals, sand, grinded up fluro tubes, industrial abrasives, sugar coatings, hairspary and Jah know's what else in contaminated weed.
    In essence if it's small enough to be sandblasted in there or a liquified contaminant it can be done.
    Stupid mother@#(*&@# bastards feed us poison and toxins all for a 20% to 50% extra profit.
    Especially with large scale operations or wannabees this is a real risk.
    If you have shipments worth a few hudred K of even a few M it only takes a few badasses who would like to retire early and there you go.

    I assume people all over the world are just about equally greedy on average so the risk should be just the same.

    There are some basic tests like chewing on the weed to see if you can feel hard particles, tasting it for wrong flavors and such that help but you cannot ever be 100% sure.

    This is the primairy reason I started growing myself, the other being money.
  18. Could you explain to me how putting "glass, ironrust, heavy metals, sand, grinded up fluro tubes, industrial abrasives, sugar coatings,[and] hairspary" in their bud is going to increase their profits by 20-50%?
  19. if it is laced you will taste it, people don't lace weed with expensive good drugs. they lace it with bug spray and other contaminants, it doesn't cost them a lot of money if they use bad shit.

    because it's much more dense than bud and it actually does weigh it down a lot. i remember when the glass thing in the UK started.
  20. I don't think its laced either! TO be honest my friend is a knucklehead and does usually get jealous. Im still gunna smoke it anyway! Thanx

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