I think i got my unit worked out

Discussion in 'General' started by DrazyHaze, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Damn, I thought this thread was about you gettin' some today
  2. damn my dirty mind!
  3. Damn, us blades some pervy motherfuckers.....not what i expected. moving onnnnn
  4. Lmfao.

    Sorry to kill your dream

  5. Not such a Dream, persay, we was just gon congratulate ya:smoking:

    oh btw, you wont need much at all, 900w in an 04 explorer is almost overkill, those things are naturally loud no matter the system
  6. well it was my dream!

    *runs off crying*

    I honestly don't know anything useful about systems, sorry.
  7. ha its straight. i still got some shake left over from a kush sack.

    I'll be good for tonight
  8. Sorry nik you know you still my 07 homie. (it was actually my dream too...:mad::(:(:(

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa, That's what im sayin bro!:smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:
  9. bump ba dump dumb
  10. Those are nice i almost got the same ones but decided to with alpine and to answer your question all i have to say is just because the amp is 1000 watts doesnt mean its going to hit harder then a 400watt amp alot depends on the wiring you use and shit like that

    so if u get like a 500watt amp and some GOOD wiring not what just comes with the system pick your own. that bitch will be knockin

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