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I think I found out a new problem marijauna can heal!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EastCoastSwag, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Ok so before I started smoking marijuana as much as I could when I could get some. I would be smoking cigarettes like crazy. Now even when I'm out of weed, I don't crave a cigarette and can barley even smoke one. People who want to quit smoking cigarettes can smoke marijuana and be tobacco free!
  2. This isn't really something new(marijuana it's used with those who are addicted to opiates) but it's great that you're quitting smoking cigarettes.
  3. Ah damn I guess I'm Late on the Medical miracle and I don't know for sure if i am quitting just cutting back deeply to like maybe 1 a day at the most.
  4. nope after I toke I alwayss need a aftertoke.
  5. doesnt always work. most people who are high like to smoke cigarettes to enhance it
  6. I quit cold turkey in February, this year. Whenever I wanted a cigarette I would just smoke a bowl.
  7. Yeah it's probably like 50/50 for some people. MJ makes me want to smoke. Just smoke a fat bowl or two and chill on a cig for like 15 mins listening to some tunes. heaven.
  8. I wish I knew this a few years ago. I quit cold turkey and that was hell. Like legit hell with fire and shit.
  9. [quote name='"dFi"']nope after I toke I alwayss need a aftertoke.[/quote]

  10. The only time I want to smoke a cigg these days is when I'm high.
  11. When I quit for a week, everytime I smoked a bowl I craved one. Might be because I smoked a few after each bowl. :bongin:

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