I think I found my spirit animal..

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by DDV, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. #1 DDV, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2013
    So, I have heard from many places that you can "find your spirit animal" by meditating on it, and simply waiting for it to come to you. Today during my afternoon meditations, I tried it for the first time. I sat under a tall tree in my backyard and waited. I asked my spirit animal to come to me, I "said" it in my mind. I waited and waited. I had no idea what to expect - visions? thoughts? At that very moment, I felt a tap on my pants. I ignored it, but a few minutes later.. another tap. I open my eyes and see there is black sludge on my pants.. I figured it was birds, so I look up at the tree. I can't see a thing so I go back to my meditation. And yet again, TAP! More sludge. I look up again at the tree and I see, at the very top branch, a beautiful blue and white bird - a bluejay. I became frustrated and got up to throw rocks at it, shake the tree, and even attempt to shoo it away while trying to get closer to it with a ladder - it didn't budge. Puzzled, I had now realized why this bird was here. I had asked the spirit animal to show itself in my meditations, and that it did! I chuckled to myself, went inside, grabbed some incense and laid it out near the tree top show my respects (I'm not sure why I decided to offer the bird incense..).

    It remained there for several hours, serenading lovely bird songs on the highest branch gazing at the sun. I could hear it perfectly through my bedroom window. I don't know about you, but I think I found my spirit animal. :hello:

    Edit: upon a google search, I found this:

    coincidence? :p
  2. ............... ......... i have a maltese and she shit on me one time

    jk bro but congrats, blue jays are cool
  3. BB gun. Haha. Bird shit on you.
  4. #4 DDV, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2013
    I actually said to myself "why don't I have a BB gun?!" :p
  5. I found my spirit animal during a vision quest in the hills about five few years ago.

    The Hawk
  6. How did you know the hawk was it? Did you have a vision?
  7. I find it interesting that it pooped on you.

    It must be quite the jokester.

    My spirit animal is a moose. I often find muddy moosetracks in my house and in my bed. I find him/her to be quite the asshole.

    He/she has also spoken to me on several different occasions. I'm not used to it yet, so it really freaks me out. Which is probably why he/she does it.
  8. It followed me up the trail and then I had a vision later.

    I don't think there is any significance to the hawk though. It could have been any animal. I just saw it and then had a vision because my brain was already thinking about hawks.

    Just like I saw deer last night and had a dream about deer when I slept.
  9. I think you're leaving shit stains everywhere dude. Get your sphincter checked for tightness...j/k

    How do you guys know your spiritual animal?
  10. My spirit animal is a fire breathing purple saber toothed dragon with laser eyes and kung fu grip. He also smells like bacon and he shits pounds of weed.

  11. Spirit animals are quite the jokesters :p

    That's pretty cool. I'm not sure what significance the bluejay has. I wasn't thinking of specifically any animals. Who knows.. :confused_2:
  12. I have a feeling mine might be a deer. I have had several interesting experiences with deer. But I think I would have to mediate on it more. A deer might just be my totem animal.
  13. The bluejays presence there was probably not influenced by your thoughts

    The places where my thoughts influenced the appearance of animals all occured in my brain (vision and a dream)
  14. Probably not. I was convinced at the time it was my spirit animal though, but who knows maybe its too early to tell.

    Maybe it was just a bird trying to have a good laugh
  15. I like that. Too synchronistic not to have real connection with you.

    I have a question though:

    Why was it important for you to do this?
  16. In many animistic cultures, your spirit animal is one which you are initially frightened of. The gates to the spirit world are opened through ordeal experiences, so they place quite a bit of emphasis on having to conquer your fears to gain knowledge from your spirit animal.

    Neo-animism, or neoshamanism, generally has spirit animals appearing to you in the manner in which you found that bluejay. Whether you think this is an authentic experience or not is up to you; I'm just passing along some knowledge :)
  17. When I was around 15 years old me and my parents went to the Zoo. When we reached the wolf exhibit As me and my family walked passed the exhibit I stopped as my family was still walking and began to look at the big black wolf, he seemed like the alpha male. With most of the wolves in the back corner the big black one walked up to me. It felt as if he was peering into my soul. I put my palm up against the chain link fence and he began to sniff and lick it. As the other wolves started to walk towards me my father grabbed me and pulled me away from the fence in terror...it was from that moment on that I knew a wolf was my spirit animal...that moment pushed me into getting a wolf tattoo...I am 19 now and when about a year ago I adopted a half wolf half German shepherd "Loki" named after the god of mischief...Loki is the most loyal pet I've ever had and he never leaves my side
  18. Is he able to learn spoken commands easily?

    I have a full GSD and he picks up the meaning of random words I say very easily
  19. Very easily...some commands I didn't even teach him. For example I was hanging with my brother and as he was about to leave I said "give me a hug bro"(because my brother is very anti-hugging) and loki actually popped up and put his paws on my chest as if he was giving me a hug...it was extremely weird because he's never even done that before
  20. spirit animals?

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