Went through a little over a gram in about a four hour timespan. May not seem like much but I've been doing a lot the last few weeks. After the last line my nose just started pouring blood. This isnt just a regular nosebleed, my nose has been bleeding for about an hour and a half and its still going. I have a tissue shoved up my nostril as i'm typing this and I;m slightly woozy. Did i fuck up my nasal septum or something? should I consider going to the hospital?
Maybe you should consider it, an hour and a half and you're getting woozy? Doesn't sound like a good sign.
whatever happened your having like an anurism (sp) or some sht bro, cause iev blown like a ball and a half in a night and not bled. HOSPITAL NOW, 911, AMBULANCE, SIRENS, PLEASE.
bro put pressure on your nose to stop if from bleeding and youll be fine. if it keeps bleeding and youve lost over 2 pints of blood thru your nose then you should dip out to the hospital
im not into coke but i know blood loss can kill ya so rush to the hospital or call someone to drive you
i would definitely look into that like do some research at least google or some shit. if shit gets crazy tho id go to the hospital for sure.
but what should I tell the people at the hospital? that I did too much coke and now my nose wont stop bleeding? I cant lie because their sure to find some coke residue in my nostrils
I'm pretty sure they get people with drug problems everyday. Their not the police bro get your ass to the hospital.
Run in the hospital screaming "I sniffed to much of the white powda now Ima bleedin" several times and I guarantee you will get some help. But I voted you just sniff some more coke, that will stop up that nose leak !
Did you tilt your head back and apply pressure for at least 10 minutes. You might have gotten that unlucky cut up batch.
Stuff your nose with some more yayo to stop the bleeding. Nah jk, try some other methods to stop the bleeding. I had a nosebleed hat lasted over thirty minutes. It just went away eventually.
Well if you didnt do it in the first place everything would be just fucking peachy but no IT PUTS THE POWDER IN ITS NOSE. Dude sack up, and get to the fucking hospital
Gum a bit, and hit up a doctor if you're worried about it. They'll probably cauterize your nose, give you a lecture, charge you an arm and a leg, and send you on your way.
dont tilt your head back, thats one of the worst things to do in terms of a nose bleed. It causes the blood to cauterize and harden in the back of your nose as well as throat and it could lead you to choking. I learned that in 7th grade baby sitting class. awwwww yeah
Stop worrying. Don't go to hospital your insane, your fine. My buddies and I (just the 3 of us) get down on a quarter ounce of white every now and then. Like a twice a year thing, we do it on our bdays. I've gotten some terrible nose bleeds but it goes away. It takes a while but it goes away. I'd be blowing out chunks of blood for a week straight. Thats what ya get for messing with it. Think about it. That shit eats at your heart tissue. What do you think its doing to your sinuses? Your tearing that up and it constantly sits in there eating away. Which is why you got your nose bleed. Don't do coke if your worried about it.