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i think blunts are ...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 KushSmokaa, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    easier to roll. i have never rolled a blunt only a few joints but from my experience joints are to thin, the paper moves if you breathe and they are harder to actually roll up. ive smoked blunts but havent rolled anyone but after you finish splitting it and emptying it and are just left with the paper it seems like blunts would be easier to roll since the paper is thicker and you dont have to be as gentle.

    let me know how you guys feel about this. like i said dont say joints are easier because you just have to put the weed in and with blunts you have to empty it and split it basically what im asking is, what is easier to roll up blunts or joints. pce
  2. Joints can be difficult if you are not used to working with smaller more feeble papers.
  3. I use blunt wrap's so I don't have to split and empty anything :smoke:
    Once you have been rolling for a while, they are just as easy as each other.
  4. I think their both easy, but i only fuck with blunts. Joints are NASTY! I cant stand the paper taste, and they burn too fast. It doesn't matter how well you roll it either, joints just burn faster. But if i had to pick one that is easier to roll it would be blunts, because you can work with them more. Also if you fuck up when sticking a joint, it cant be fixed, its stuck. With an L you can pull it back up and make it tighter/looser.
  5. No, actually it's much easier to mess up and rip a blunt when rolling it than it is to do with papers. You have to be really gentle when rolling blunts, and in my opinion it's harder.

    That's if you're using a real cigar, splitting, gutting and rerolling. Blunt wraps are the easiest to roll, but taste and burn like shit.
  6. You post way too many threads KushSmokaa
  7. Wiz khalifa disapproves of this thread
  8. It depends on your rolling style if you prefer joints or blunts. Some people I know really like rolling with the soft flimsy feeling of joints, but I only roll blunts. You're probably gonna be bad at rolling the first few times but it gets really easy. And if you don't like the tough dry feeling of a cigarillo then go with blunt wraps, because they are pretty much a hybrid of rolling a blunt and rolling a joint
  9. I've never rolled a blunt, but I have rolled many joints, and I really don't think that there's much of a difference to an experienced roller.
  10. sorry i didnt realize there was a rule about making threads. sue me.

  11. There is when the threads have already been made so suck ma balls.

  12. no thank you.
  13. No.

    I agree with most of that. Blunts muuuchhhh easier to roll. I personally hate joints, they're actually rougher on my throat lol.

  14. *fixed
  15. dude i love wiz hes probably one of my favorite rappers along with cudi but just because a rapper doesnt like blunts i dont let that influence my opinion :smoke:
  16. You've never even rolled a blunt? So how you gonna say its easier/harder -.- Different people have different preferences, but you have to actually do it before making a judgement.
  17. I think blunts are... the best way to smoke and look like a G. There is not nothing that shows that you are a high roller and a pimp then when you take a blunt to the face. Sorry my Taylors but Wiz will retreat back to the blunt and the swisher sweets
  18. Never said they did. I smoke blunts as well. I'm trying to stop for good though. Because ya know, cigars were never meant to be inhaled. And cheap gas station cigars are loaded with chemicals. I prefer a spliff with some natural tobacco :smoke:
  19. Um for one how can you yourself eompare the two if you've never rolled a blunt. This post didn't make very much sense. And ya man you do post alot of threads especially when this thread has been posted billions of times. But ya that being said... Rolling blunts or joints is easy once u get it down but for the most part blunts are harder because they have to be wet and moist to roll, usually there is more pressure on you because a wrap or cigar u only have 1 of them opposed to joints u have like 20 if u accidentally fuck up just re reoll another one. But ya blunts are harder you really didnt need to ask because if they were easier to roll you'de probably have tried to roll one by now.
  20. You roll a nice ass joint and a nice ass blunt, joint wins :)

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