I swear officer, it's medical herb!

Discussion in 'General' started by Tonyizzle, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. Ok, so yesterday me and my friend I guess got a little careless and were reefin a bowl right before I had to go into my doctors appointment. Then out of nowhere a cop comes in there with his lights going on, but no sirens, and this is a tiny ass doctors office that a cop would have no reason at all to be going in. As soon as we see him coming in we completely tear out of that piece, and make a mad dash to my friends house. Our hearts are already all up in our throats and we are freaking out, then a minute later sirens are just going EVERYWHERE all over town (at least 10 different cars) and we are hiding in my friends yard and making dashes every other minute to try to take all the illegal shit out of my car (a whole lot more than I ever thought I had in there). We sat and smoked a cigerette pretty much saying "fuck fuck fuck" and waiting for the cops to show up. But then somehow nothing happened.. I am still confused as to what exactly happened.. But me and my friend decided that it was perhaps better to take it as a sign from the "stoner gods" that we really need to be fucking careful.. It has almost become a normal part of life for us to just smoke wherever we go, and it's almost like it doesn't even feel illegal anymore.
  2. Damn I was expecting you guys got busted, glad ya didn't! And I hear ya I smoke all the time when I'm driving around, I have never gotten busted while driving, and I hope I never do

    but yea, listen to the Stoner Gods, they will never fail you ;)
  3. tehre was probably something else going on in your town that day or something

    like a bank robbery or something crazy

    there not gonna have 10police cars after a few stoners
  4. what yellow bic said prolly just something crazy in your town and they thought they had afew suspects.

    but it was just a few stoners puffing on a bowl.

    damn that was mad crazy i love adrealine rushes sometimes.
  5. For those few minutes until we finished a few cigs to calm us down, we were positive (in our own minds) that the whole town was after us. Damn paranoia.. :smoking:

  6. haha imagine that coming from a stoner

  7. Actually I beg to differ. There would be 10 cops if they see two people running from the cops. They don't know that you guys are only stoners. When me and my friends got caught I swear to you there was more than 10+ cop cars there and the only thing we were being written up for was curfew and possession... nothing major

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