I stand with America, and the Western Powers.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SupaAPE, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. There is a war coming , this is real.
    My father is a Muslim Arab, my mother is a Catholic American. I live in the belly of the beast, and have been living in this Gulf arab country for a long time now.
    The Arab gulf countries' Leaders and ruling Elite, are supported by the U.S Federal government. In turn, these Gulf Arab leaders and ruling Elite support the U.S. 
    There is a large rift between the peoples of these Arab countries.
    On one hand, you have Educated Arabs, that support Westernization of their respective countries, along with peace among the people. On the other hand, you have low IQ, brainwashed religious fanatics which HATE westernization and the effects they are seeing around them. 
    The effects they hate? I'll list them in no specific order;
    1. Their women starting to marry foreign men. Their women not wanting to have anything TO DO with Arab, brainwashed, good for nothing, no-game MEN.
    2. Young Arab men which are increasingly becoming Westernized & educated , which allows them to secure higher wealth , better women , and ultimately position themselves higher in the hierarchy of what constitutes a real man in this day & age. This infuriates the typical Arab man, because the typical culture amongst these lowly individuals dictates to them that they are all Great Alpha men , it makes them feel as if they are a stronger and better than any other culture of men.
    3. The reality is that these Religious Arab men, which pray 5 times a day, always respect women and expect them to be covered....are nothing more than player-haters in training & disguise. The truth is, these religious men are actively censoring themselves from normal human behavior, such as lusty sex & thoughts of lusty sex and pursuing that drive of pleasure. In-turn, this creates an individual which views the Western man as a bad, sinful , ultimately bad person doing wrong. It creates a man with a sour distaste for real life and the normal interactions between human males & females. It creates an obscure , weird individual.
    4. The above reason is also why homosexuality is rampant in the Gulf middle east. These men are so heavily indoctrinated , and practice self censorship to the point where they don't know how to attract / approach / interact with a woman. They essentially censor themselves to the point where they all become loser Beta males...and the real women shun that. 
    5. These countries were/are heavily tribal. That means that, with the right connections, you can/were able to get a job with high pay, even when you are totally unqualified and undeserving. When you are unqualified and undeserving of the Job, there's no way you're going to be good at it. Westernization promotes free markets , the rule of supply and demand. Therefore jobs in these Oil rich emirates, are now being allocated to the deserved , and in many cases foreign educated men are securing these jobs over the local non-educated, tribal Arabs.
    6.In these Arab countries backed by the Federal U.S , they have all sorts of American goods & services. McDonald's, chevy's, Tahoe's, clothes, iPhones...you name it. These countries largely support and rely on American Goods and services. Some of these ignorant Arabs are starting to slowly realize what's going on around them. Coupled with the previous points i've made , they are waking up to the realization that America runs their countries , and that because of their ignorance , they are now becoming worthless in all facets of their own society.
    Now about the war;
    The world, not only the Gulf arab countries, has/is becoming increasingly westernized. All these lost arab men, have no place in the New World Order, for they are useless and without any knowledge of substance, useful for this New World. They are being sidelined, and rightfully so.
    The problem is, when all is lost for them, they will turn to the one and only thing they know, which is back to their tribal and religious ways, which inspires hatred from within, and disdain for anything different, and especially something of more importance & value than themselves.
    When an evil voice starts whispering religious inspired doctrine into their ears, against the West, against their Western backed leaders...they will listen, because they have nothing left to lose. They are dangerous, and I walk with this knowledge in my Country with a constant defense, ready for anything to happen.
    Crazy is happening. Yemen could possibly break out into a civil war any day now, Arab Gulf is seeing major protests, last week 2 Americans were shot at in a gas station in Saudi Arabia, 1 of them being killed , and 1 guy I personally know in my gym went to Pilgrimage in Saudi over a week ago and he has been missing since, all his friends and family are trying to find him. He was western educated and went to American schools.
    I see what's coming here. I avoid going out into the streets unless I have to. Fucked up corrupted minds are all over the place. They are dangerous to those around them, foreigner, and western educated Arab alike, and it's only going to get worse.
    Regardless of anything that happens, I stand with America.

  2. Were doomed
  3. #3 ChristopherABrown, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    If the last line is true, you will support what I'm doing here.

    Your thread is not short of amazing. Your perceptions are not exactly accurate regarding radical Muslims in the greater sense, but they are accurate in a contemporary limited sense. Limited by the common knowledge of America.

    America is dumbed down relating to spiritual potentials. There are aspects of the human mind that American society rejects, ERRONEOUSLY. This is how America justifies war on Muslim nations.

    The spiritual aspect I refer to is the potential of the human unconscious mind. Now I touch on why your thread is amazing. You are surrounded by people that are unconsciously programmed and they do not know it. Completely logical if you think about it.

    The programming IS unconscious, you think like a contemporary American which knows nothing about the unconscious mind or it's potentials. Accordingly your thoughts are logical. Therefor you reject the behaviors and beliefs of traditional Muslims.

    Here is where the nature of the belief systems of BOTH, Americans and traditional radical Muslims are ERRONEOUS.

    The traditional Muslims are correct in one way, but do not know it. Their faith in the unconscious, albeit having the WRONG programming, is correct. America needs to know that the same fervor that supports the radicalism of the Muslims you refer to NEEDS to be applied not just in America, but all over the planet, TO CREATE TRUE SUSTAINABILITY.

    Human beings need to make sacrifices in their material existence. We are trading needs for wants. We want ease and comfort, but using energy and material resource in the way we are IS destroying the air and water we NEED. That same fervor the traditional, radical Muslims use, created in them by the unwitting UNCONSCIOUS induction of a deep trance at childhood (you avoided it), needs to be redirected towards sustainable living not just in America, but in all nations where energy and material resource are squandered on wants TRYING TO CREATE HAPPINESS, when happiness is really comprised of and from other things.

    True and lasting happiness comes from knowing one is doing the right thing for their children, future generations. Fat Americans having more than they could ever need are NOT HAPPY. Fat, radical Muslims you describe using the unconscious network of that society to get high paying jobs are not happy either.

    Hopefully some understanding of the dilemma is bring created here. Thanks for you post BTW, it is very revealing in light of what I try to communicate relating to the true nature of our unconscious existence.

    BTW, I arrive at this understanding by learning from Indigenous American people AND communicating at depth on this subject with an Afghani Pushtan tribesman of contemporary royalty.
  4. #4 SmokinP, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    What country do you live in ?

    Sent from the back of a jihadist donkey...
  5. What is this true nature of our unconscious existence. You speak in such generalities it's hard to follow a word you say.
  6. Weren't the shot Americans military contract workers?
    That's what I heard.
  7. Lol, jingoism. I dont align myself with any nation-state.
  8. The thing you fail to realize Chris, is that we aare ALL programmed.

    Good, bad, doesn't matter. You need to understand that even you are.programmed

    And the best way to program.other people is to convince them of your way, not tell them their way is the result of evil.brainwashing

    hey man. ba-a-a-ack off. I can be a sheep all I want!
  9. Great post, wonderful different perspective. 
  10. #11 SupaAPE, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2014
    Here's the thing , I can be 2 people if I want. I can be an Arab , like them , talk , socialize , get all the respect ...that's if I want.
    Most people don't understand this following concept.
    When you have thoughts, what language do you think in ?
    Most people here will have thoughts in 'English' . Their patterns of thoughts are based on the English language.
    When I want to be an Arab, I switch from thoughts in English, to thoughts in Arabic.
    Because thinking in English, and thinking in Arabic are two different things.
    The reason I don't like thinking and talking in Arabic, especially the gulf dialect , is because it's a language of domination , and I feel my thoughts and mood become aggressive.
    I'm also totally aware of the power of the unconscious mind. In fact, i've trained and developed a strong sixth sense . It used to be a scary thing once I realized what was happening , but i'm comfortable with it now because it helps & protects me.
    I agree with you on people being overly materialistic , but then again that is tied to money, greed, and T.V brainwashing. For enlightened, smarter individuals, I imagine money wouldn't taint their ideas of true happiness - but for the fools, well they're fools at the end of the day, with or without money.
    In terms of your concern with true sustainability , I think we're on our way there, slowly, but we will get there one way or another. IIRC, California just installed the biggest solar power plant in the world recently. Step by step, I think we'll get there. Sadly, money still heavily influences people to do anything, and I don't really see that changing anytime soon. 
    I imagine humanoid like robots will eventually make our lives  much more easier. Lol theres talk about "sex robots" coming in the 2020's.
    Yup, shot at a gas station.
  11. #12 forty winks, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2014
    Then I would qualify and call them American Military Personnel and not simply Americans.
    Quite different.
    Edit - apparently the shooter was dismissed from Northrop Grumman, so he was more than likely deranged and seeking twisted revenge.
    Happens everywhere, especially is the USA.
  12. #13 nativetongues, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2014
  13. If you didn't read the other thread you probably won't understand it.

    The radical Muslims are controlled by what is called "oral histories". Anthropology, psychology etc. history, have all been manipulated to eliminate a true understanding of what they really are.
  14. You fail to separate and identify the unconscious programming which makes your comments about programming inadequate and incomplete.
  15. that didn't make sense.

    hey man. ba-a-a-ack off. I can be a sheep all I want!
  16. Alright so educate me bro what are they really?
  17. #18 freethinker, Oct 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2014
    433 people were murdered in the city of Detroit in 2012.  3 heads were cut off on your television set supposedly thousands of miles away in Syria.  Detroit filed for a bailout of 18 billion dollars (amount in debt) in 2013 and was denied.  Fighting ISIS overseas will cost about 22 billion per year according to Harvard business professors (Google it).  Priorities?
    We do know these are OUR tax dollars being used right?  We do know that WE have a say in the matter don't we?  I'm ready to unite whenever you are.  "WE THE PEOPLE" is still the foundation of the United States, and as humanity as a 'whole'. 

    You're favorite tool of evasion is to pretend you do not understand.  A proven fact.
  19. #20 ChristopherABrown, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2014
    The oral histories are held in deep memory, which is more a part of the hypothamus (old reptilian brain) than psychology really knows.  Extremely unconscious for the most part.   People are controlled by what they know.  They also KNOW, what is in their unconscious mind, although their conscious mind may not have access.
    The past of extreme physical hardship in the severe environment of the desert, as nomadic tribes, and the social structure needed to survive under those conditions is what those oral histories are comprised of.  Instincts of survival, and fear of not surviving, are actually controlling decision making on a very deep level, and the entire traditional radical society is involved, self verifying with their shared knowledge.
    Our society HAS NO IDEA of how deeply we are controlled by our unconscious as human beings.  Religions controlling academia have prevented it from existing by genocide of societies that use the unconscious mind since the last crusade, and worked to prevent it from being known since the times of Christ. They did this because of an unreasoned fear.  Countless people have been killed for knowing.  The written word was invented because it is easier to burn books than people.
    How bad did you really want to know that?

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