AN NOW MY ''D;'' BUTTON DONT WORK UNLESS I REALLY HIT IT HAR, 5 TIMES,,,, shit i can harly type realeble,,, now my d biutton is gone,,,, ....shit,,,,
LoL, that sucks bro. At least it wasn't the spacebar... there this nothing more fucking irritating than having to slam the space bar down between EVERY word. Guess in those kinda' situations you just gotta' look at any good at all.
i just starte to consume,,,,, took a lotitab,,,,i ont o pills so im fucke up,,, plus i got some sour iesel,,,,,its friay,,,,time to get right,,, fuckin button,,,
That's okay, I've been missing my S key for over a year now I have to hit it mad times to actually type an S
unless your on a laptop as a computer tech who like does house call and all that bull shit when a keyboard is dirty you cant read the keys or a button doesnt work it is reccomended to replace you can get a wireless one for like 20$ and a regular one from any local computer place for like 5-10$. just throwing it out there because i know you are on here quite a bit and trying to decode your posts w/o the letter d kinda sucks lol
If I could pick any two people to knock back a few beers and blunts with,,,,, it'd definately be my man Chicken. and Reggin. ya,,,,,,fucking,,,,,,,dig
yeah,,, i'll make the call tomorrow,,,, i got a frien,,, thats the shit at computers,,,,,i swappe him some herb for this computer,,,,he hooke me up.... i got a printer,, that works but i ont use it,, '' what am i gonna print/ hehehAHAHAH YEAH RIGHT,,,, i got a computer '' microphone'' that ive never spoke into,,,,, i really aint got a clue what it oes,,,, but he hooke me up,,,,,i got it all,, but ont know how to use none of it,,,,
i just talke to him on aim,,,, i communicate with hi,m,,,, freaky,,,,, you wol nemmem, him im with it ,,,,,lets blaze,,,, i gotta work aron without htthe letter ''d'' its crazy,,,,,, im blazeed,,,,,--------,,,>........ TROOK A LORITAB,, i ont take pills,,,,,consuming beer,, with some sour ediesel,,,,, .. whatever,,,
lol, you'll have to find a "d" and copy it, and whenever you want to type a word with the letter "d" in it, just press ctrl+v
THANK YOU CHICKEN I just smoked and when I read the title of your thread I just laughed my ass off. +Rep definitely
yeah...chicken..get a new can get a cheap one at walmart for like 7 bucks... cleaning it at this point is useless...prolly shorted out a few wires... good luck man!! D D D DD D D D D DD DD D D D D D DDDDDD DDD D D D D D D DD D D D D D D
PROBLEM SOLVED,,,,,, i have a new keybord,,,man it is so soft to the touch compared to my last one,,,, i told '' BA1LZ'' about it,,, and she said,,,,'' crisis solved'' im so simple i get exited over a new board