I smoked 6 months ago, I still feel stoned and I don't like it

Discussion in 'General' started by diablo1010, May 8, 2008.

  1. Get your dome checked by a psychologist. ASAP!

  2. You are a normal person, just more sensitive and attentive than most people. From what I am reading I suppose you are a male; You are going to have to become vegan for a couple of days and jack-off after the first 24 hrs of not eating any animal product, and repeat it for every 24 hrs. after the 3rd day you can go vegetarian, and stay like that for a month. What happened is related to how we connect memory, and in these case is through animal fat, hence the importance of staying off animal fat until you recover. The reason why you have to jack-off has to do with brain spikes and association to stimulus. Don't forget to exercise during the process, and quit weed.

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