i realized i smoke a shitload of weed today because i have started to become so accustomed to being high that i dont even realize i am anymore. i was driving and listining to techno today and really gettin my head around it and feelin the music and i was thinking of the thizzles im gettin tonight and actually thought that maby i have gotten the ability to force my brain to dump seratonin and dopemene so that i dont hafta take x cus im not normally so sunk into music. then i realized that i was just stoned as shit and didint realize untill just then. i proceeded to laugh my ass off all the way back to work.
I have came to that realization many many many times in life. Example *in class me and my friend coming in high as fuck* Me: everything so slow Fren: i kno Me: i think...i think...i'm the master of time Fren: I feel the same way Me: *looks at him* for real, there can only be one master of time, we must just be high
I hear ya on that man. Especially now that I've moved to school...I don't really have a whole lot to fill up my days...so I just smoke. Tore through a half I picked up last Saturday. I'm down to my last 2-3 grams...but I've got a shitload of really blonde kief. We've got to chill next time I'm back in town...not sure when it is...but I'll give ya a ring when I know.
u should have a run of only smoking large amounts once in a while and see what cannabis is like when used as a psychedelic/entheogen/halucinogen. or carry on using it as a sacriment.