I sense something really big and catastrophic is going to happen soon.,

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by texas_ranger97, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. op is just constipated.

  2. Way to be a complete piece of shit. I was simply stating my mind.
  3. Maybe its already happening, we are just to distracted to notice...
  4. #44 greenterror, Feb 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2014
    Let's see...
    Boston marathon bombing
    Sandy hook
    OP fast and furious
    CIA drug smuggling
    Iraq war
    Afghanistan war
    Libyan drone strikes
    Yemen drone strikes
    Police brutality towards peaceful protesters
    JFK's assassination
    Gulf of Tonkin
    Shall I continue?
  5. We talking the crimea?
  6. No one is giving you enough credit, and obviously the ganja has not opened the third eye of some of our fellow blades. No harm in that. I don't think this sounds irrational in anyway. The dollar will collapse. When it does the government will go down with it, as well as the bank families. You think this is the first time a society has been wiped? And it won't be the last. The universe has a long life ahead of itself.

    Keep it green!
  7. I know this thread seems stupid, but take into consideration what I was thinking. The government is constantly trying to ruin our lives and provoke chaos within our society. To make it more clear, I was stating that a very big tragedy or event is going to happen either on a global or national scale such as a new war, bombing, assassination, or even the death of me or my family members. Imagine all the things that could happen soon especially towards the end of Obama's term.. Maybe he will go out with a bang and royally fuck us all for good? What about the upcoming elections? Legalization of marijuana by 2020? Nuclear missile attacks? NOBODY KNOWS but I do know that we can't keep going on the same routine everyday without something big to talk about eventually. Sorry I didn't explain it in the description, I was too high and lazy.
  8. Ahh but when the Dollar collapses its gunna take the Pound, Eruo and Yuan with it.... Bastards! Yo fucked, we all fucked!
  9. #49 chucklezzb, Feb 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2014
    Dude look at the way we live. Rejoice over a chance to start again.. Money is an invention. It's sad that we depend on an invention and not the earth itself.

    Keep it green!

    Edit: money is power.
  10. Oh man i cant wait until the collapse and a start at something new, we lose faith in our currencys and hopefully faith in our political systems and we have a chance at a fresh start. I just cant see the Governments/Senates to let it happen.
  11. Let us not enslave ourselves to a monetary system next time, for it would lead to the exact same scenario to unfold amongst our following generations.
    No, that's an old claim. Now they could be unique down to their atoms, but that would hold true to everything else. If you have 2 coins that are printed exactly the same, they'll be unique on the atomic level.. but there have been plenty of people who've viewed countless snowflakes and found repeated patterns. There's only so many different ways they can form and all start off pretty much the same..
    So if you're opening line is full of shit, why would anyone think the rest isn't? Delusional paranoia if you think they're just sitting there, waiting for a natural disaster to take place to enact martial law..
  13. This past week I've been getting some mad powerful vibes of impending doom.
    Since when were we able to create coins structured identically on the atomic level?
    Reminds me of the cop that said there's three kinds of people.  Sheep, wolves and sheep dogs.  (He said he was the sheep dog).  There's infinite kinds of people.
  15. I dont sense anything so its cool...mine negates the op's
  16. what's OP fast and furious?
  17. i know this is a cannabis website and all...but lay off smoking some much man.
    Indigo Child = poor parenting + unmedicated ADHD/bipolar child. 
    Gun smuggling operation where the US government handed over thousands of assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels.
    Bipolar = duality = positive and negative emotions.
    Oh my god, everyone is bipolar!  Where's the meds?!

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