I saw something that doesn't exist? Awesome

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HerbDeluxe420, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. I feel like this is something I should share here. Long story short (cuz it can be a long one), a few years ago I saw what I thought was a UFO while on a flight from PA to FL. At cruising altitude (like 35,000 feet) I was lookin out my window and saw a black isoceles triangle (pointing upwards) hovering level with our plane at least a mile away. I stared at it really confused for about a minute until it suddenly rocketed upward from a stand-still to super fuckin fast in a second and then disappeared, leaving behind a trail of light gray smoke. So i said wtf, i guess that was a UFO and went on to tell my family when I landed in Ft. Myers.

    So I didn't have any explanation for what it was until i recently stumbled upon a web page about an experimental plane called the Aurora (look it up) that the government says doesn't exist. It happens to be a black isoceles triangle and is so fast its called "Hyper-sonic". There is no doubt in my mind that's what i saw. I think its pretty awesome actually, and I feel sorry for anyone who goes to war with the US cause as far as I can tell we have some crazy shit flyin around. That bitch was so fast i lost track of it while it was still in my field of vision.

    So yeah, that's my story, and its a true one, no BS. Its pretty random but I like to tell it.
  2. Well the story is very detailed. Are you sure you just weren't really fucked up.
  3. I believe it. I used to be big on a dirtbiking forum and there was a guy there that used to ride way, way out in the wilderness... I guess there was an experimental aviation base out there, and he saw all sorts of crazy flying things...

    Seriously, just watch the history channel. People apparently don't believe in engineering... they believe in just trying it.
  4. ..


    we all know that herbdelux smokes a lot of weed, but deep down, deep deep down...i believe you.
  5. are you sure you didnt see a stealth fighter?
  6. yea i believe you. you also have seen alot of other shit in the sky just like me and the rest of the world. if you look outside right now there is something moving in the sky, its just invisible to the human eye.

  7. yeah. Those can't hover and don't have a plane triangular shape like what I saw did. Stealth fighters have visual distinguishable wings, what I saw was a plane triangle with three straight sides.

    And I saw this thing before I ever smoked or drank so I wasn't high or fucked up or anything.
  8. hey now, thsi forum is open to people from all nationalities, and there are many people here from outside the US.



    but no, really, cool story
  9. Who says UFOs don't exist, they're out there bro.
  10. yo thats pretty awesome man.. wish i had a cool story like that i could tell to random people. what a conversation starter that must be!

    you: "hey, i saw a UFO once"
    them: " :bolt: "

    ..maybe not

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