Because it was this year. Don't get me wrong, I'm still an independent, but instead of voting mostly Republican I will be voting mostly Democrat in this next election. Just a matter of thinking where does my vote do the most good. Or at least where does it do the least harm...
At risk of inciting an unhealthy argument (though not from me, I'm merely an information junkie) - Why the switch? Could you expand?
My views are evolving and also I'm not happy with Trump's rhetoric and actions much of the time. He dances around calling out white nationalists for their behavior for what I can only assume is not wanting to lose their support. You can't be president and turn a blind eye to hate for votes. Also, I've flip flopped on immigration. I don't think under the current system the so called proper channels are capable of accommodating the number of people who should be allowed to enter into the country. Therefore, legal immigration is prohibitively difficult so it makes sense for immigrants to seek asylum and then just try to stay longer if they have their day in court and are not approved. Also, some of my views have always been more aligned with the left such as on climate change, military interference abroad with regime change wars, and on marijuana prohibition. I know many Democrats have supported regime change wars in the past but they seem to be shying away from that line faster than Republicans. I'm still against an assault weapon ban and disproportionately taxing the wealthy. I think proper background checks and mental evaluations are a must but the right to bear arms is an important one to preserve for our persevering freedom. And I think the rich should pay their fair share in taxes (and that Trump took a step backwards in this regard) but some people are talking about taxes well over 50% of income beyond a certain amount which is not something I can ever support. We'll see what happens in 2020 but I think we're going to see somewhat of a shakeup. I just hope if the dems do gain both houses they make good use of it...
Wow. Well thought out retort. That's gonna take some balls to disect, only for some to tell you you're wrong. Not me. Sent from my SM-G965F using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Trump hasn't really called out white supremacists that much but he has never supported them either. Immigration shouldn't be about numbers, it should be about quality, not quantity and past Democrat presidents have worked toward border security as much as Republicans, remember the "Deporter in Chief" label Obama earned? Regarding military intervention I see Democrats being as guilty as Republicans. If you think the Democrats have the answer in regards to climate change then go ahead and vote for them but IMO there will be more negative consequences than what ever small benefit they may be able to provide for the environment. Until China boards the Climate Change train whatever America does will have little effect. Under Obama I suffered from ODS so I understand why liberals can't stand Trump, what I don't understand is the hatred they openly display on a daily basis and their constant lies. Sure politics is all about who can tell the best lies but the lies the Dems are repeating these days are over the top. Look at how Biden began his candidacy, by repeating the lie about Trump saying there were good people among white supremacists in Charlottesville, the same lie that's still being repeated by other Democrat candidates today. The Dems went on and on for over two years about Russia saying Trump was Putin's puppet and he colluded with Russia to get elected but now we know that was all a lie. It was one lie after another, each one was supposedly the one that would take Trump down but they all fizzled because there was nothing to them. I'm wondering if you're not going to vote for Trump, who have you decided is a better choice?
On white supremacists, silence is tacit acceptance. On immigration, generations of people from all over the world who weren't wanted by the current residents of the country have carved out a niche in this country. The racism that Italians and Irish experienced is well documented if you look but it's been white washed as they ascended to whiteness. What's the Charlottesville situation? That is a direct quote that he said, no? I don't agree with people equating Trump support to racism. Not all Trump supporters are racists. That is a dangerous line to paint because it vilifies half the nation as evil hearted when really only a small percentage of Trump supporters are white supremacists. But in some ways Trump invites that line to be painted by not loudly and clearly casting out white supremacists as evil an unwanted from his camp. On Russia, I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I haven't personally read the Mueller report but depending on who you listen to they either say it clears Trump or claims there is evidence of collusion. I thought that the collusion was fake news but perhaps where there's smoke there's fire. I'm still not sure, but we will see. He may be indicted after leaving office if not impeached while in... In the primary I'm voting for Gabbard, in the general I'll make my decision when I see the ballot but my vote is either blue or third party this time just like it was either red or third party when Hillary was on the ballot...
And on climate change we need to force China's hand. That's got to be part of it. I don't think anyone's really talking about that but it's what needs to be done...
Trump hasn't been silent on white supremacy. Here's what Trump said in Charlottesville, listen starting at 1:20 for about 30 seconds, you'll see him condemn white supremacists.
I just wanted to be sure you were switching because you had valid reasons. Trump the white supremacist is a political tactic, it's all a lie and it's so disheartening to see so many people falling for it. I can't really blame them, if someone hears the same thing day after day they start to believe it no matter the truth. Trump the racist is the same as Trump the traitor except the plan making Trump the traitor fell through when the investigation cleared him, racism was the fall back plan.
Trump was not wanted in El Paso. He should have respected that. I wouldn't want him anywhere near me if I was grieving for a loved one who just died. Has this ever happened before where a president is about to visit and the city draft a letter to say, We dont want you? He's breaking new ground but in a repulsive kind of way. I wonder if he thinks about that while he sits on his gold toilet. El Paso Breaking News Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Opinion - El Paso Times Photo from the New York Times
I honestly don't believe Trump to be racist, however there are racists who follow him... But supporting Trump doesn't make you automatically a racist. That is a dangerous notion.
China is leading the renewable energy sector. Renewable energy in China - Wikipedia But you have to consider the size of the population and their energy needs.
Both sides have bad people, from white supremacists to marxists. Personally I'm so sick of being called nonsense names like racist, russian bot, ect that it's going to drive me to vote for Trump in retaliation.
For voters, choosing a president isn't about finding the best qualified person and voting for them, it's a matter of choices between certain individuals. Last election we couldn't vote for whoever we wanted, our choice was between Hillary and Trump. Trump has warts but he also has some very good qualities that are making him a successful president. The more successful he is the harder the Democrats have to work to discredit him, hence the claims of conspiring with Russians and now in desperation they claim he supports white supremacy. Before you decide who you will vote for consider who will best do the job. I don't really want a Beto to be negotiating trade policies with China, they will eat his lunch and ours too. Securing the border is the job of the president and he's sworn to uphold the law. If you don't like our immigration laws then who you should be looking at is the people responsible for making and changing the immigration laws, not the president who is charged with enforcing the laws congress has written. The Democrats in congress are fighting Trump over immigration while he's simply enforcing the laws they write. It's not even about race, making it about race is a political tactic.
If I was grieving for a loved one I wouldn't want those guys using the occasion to push their political agenda.
There's no agenda to giving Trump a message that he's not wanted. It's a simple statement to tell him to stay away. I would give the people of El Paso the benefit and say they had a right to those feelings when they are in a condition of high stress and sadness. To say they had an agenda is like spitting on them while they're down. Not a way to treat your fellow human who's kid was just murdered.
He is talking about the protestors not the victims family. Many wanted Trump to visit only the left has issues with it.
Does it look like the guys in the picture are grieving family members or do they look more like people pushing an anti Trump message?