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I refuse to accept Obama as my president

Discussion in 'Politics' started by e_to_the_x, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. This isn't exactly because he is Obama, but rather because he is a political figure who claims to have some authority over me. I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept there are people who think they are entitled to make decisions for me and run my life simply becuase the majoirty wills it. Maybe I am just being a poopy anarchist idealist, but the idea that the majority can legitimize one person to rule over me, an individual being, is disgusting. It is an ultimate trampling upon the rights of the ultimate minority: the individual.
  2. Well, John Locke would say that if the government doesn't meet the will of the people it is the right of the people to replace it. So...

    coup d'etat? ;)

  3. I'm down with it as long as others want to join, but I doubt it'd be succesful. And if history tells us anything violent revolutions usually suck but hey, our revolution was a violent one and worked out pretty well for us.
  4. Well man.. I'd have to say that while the government today doesn't do the best job of it, they are also doing a job that I don't really want to do, so I'm glad someone is doing it.

    So... a coup could be cool, but I think I'll make my impact on history in a less life threatening way.
  5. No one is making decisions for you. No one is trying to run your life, and no one is telling what you can or can't do.

    You can do what ever the fuck you want to.

    Society just sets the consequences.
  6. All right, so now that you've made this declaration, what about your life is going to be different?
  7. There comes a time when government becomes too large, like now, and when this happens tyranny is inevitable, so its no coincidence since Obama's election bills all over the place have been passed that further restrict or take away civil liberties. A tyrannical govt is in place.
  8. #8 SmokesMcDank, Sep 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2009
    does this mean that you have refused to accept every other president and elected official also? or just obama? cuz that would highlight some hypocrisy.

    And please, if you think this is tyranny, than you are a whiny little bitch. Go to North Korea fucker, before you start throwing words like tyranny around.

    No bill has been passed under Obama that has taken away any of your rights. Although, he does support the Patriot Act which is fucking bullshit. But I bet you aren't calling bush a dictator or anything even though he supported and signed a bill that took away more of your rights than any other act in the last 40 years.
  9. What did you think of those who protested Bush's policy?
  10. Well come to terms with it, because he is the president. deal with it
  11. Dude I'm sorry but you were born a human.... it is our nature to be brute and competitve, in the past, before established societies it was kill or be killed.... and then when we had societies later, they all fought with each other and tried to conquest land and own the most colonies.... hmmmmm??

    yeah I agree with you life sucks our leaders are corrupt as fuck, boo hooo they don't have good policies and will never do what is best for humanity and what not, and we have such a bad system.... BUT..... YOU KNOW WHAT.... here's the point, you can't deny..... YOU ARE LUCKY TO BE BORN OR CONSIDERED AND AMERICAN CITIZEN..... there are kids who got unlucky born into the Chinese labour trade, or the millions of people that starve evryday in India who try and hunt fish in a forest full of tigers, or those Africans, the ones who are so fucked over power, that they RUIN AND DESTROY and possibility for anyone in that country/region to live a normal civil life.....

    Or how about those kids in Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekhistan, all those orphans who got fucked by the collapse of the Soviet Union and alcoholism in their parents....

    OR How about all those people in jail who are confined to the walls of the building for the rest fo their lives....


    Who gives a fuck who your countries leader is, as long as he is not Hitler, and as long as you have the opportunity to lead a comfortable life... yeah it sucks our world is tyrannical, welcome to politics and the last i dunno, 8 000 years of history..... BUT DONT BE SO ANGRY MAN.... There will be a global awareness, a conciousness shift, and we will rediscover what it means to be human, this time with no limits (in the past we had the limit of nature and the wilderness, soon we will have ourselves....)
  12. you filthy racist

  13. you say that like there aren't legitimately racist people who jump on the bandwagon of policies that disagree with Obama simply because they oppose Obama.
  14. those filthy americans with their damn opinions
  15. First off, I just want to say that seeing all of these posts accepting and even advocating a government that completely refuses to legalize the gentlest of all drugs is simply ridiculous.

    This is completely incorrect. I guess society sent us to Iraq? I guess society invented the nuclear bomb. These things were desires of diabolical individuals who used the power of the state to bring harm unto others. That is not society setting consequences, that is just bullshit.

    His outlook, his perception. You know, those things that matter to people who are more interested in life than they are interested in watching television.

    I for one have refused any and all politicians. I advocate Ron Paul on occasion simply because he wants to make the government smaller, not bigger. The best situation would be to have no government, but that won't happen again until we blast ourselves off of this rock and start colonizing space.

    Do you never better yourself? Do you never strive to achieve anything? That is the attitude I see in this post.

    Fuck it, it won't change, I can't do anything... blah blah blah.

    How the fuck does anything change? By sitting around and fucking coming to terms with it? Is that how we got to drive around in cars all day? I suppose people just came to terms with horses and then out of thin air cars were made.

    What the fuck, man? I'm so tired of this crap. It is truly ridiculous. Not only is this an out of the box idea, but it is a fucking good one at that. What the fuck?? Are all of you really that happy about our style of life? Look at fucking society! Look at all of these scumbags stealing our money on the street and in the White House! Look at these wars that are fought over nothing!

    Where did these things come from? ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT COMES FROM EVIL, CORRUPT POLITICS... In fact it is quite clear that these things come from government. So what the fuck is the solution?


    What the fuck...
  16. You live in a representative democracy. Either deal with it or move the fuck on to a different country, dude. :rolleyes:

  17. That rant of yours sounded way angrier than what the OP posted. By the way, some of us where born in other countries and also been to jail or detained in some kind of facility in this country as well as other countries. So yeah, all that crap you spewed, is based on you having lived a cushy life and I'd suggest you stop assuming anyone who has a complaint about this government or it's politicians has a similar experience. It's sick how people with limited life experiences think that everyone they interact with should be grateful because they assume they've had the same experience. Ignorant fool.

  18. Quoted for truth. Everything I wish I could say, but that I'm too drunk and stoned to say.
  19. Yeah, cuz I bet you and that guy you quoted have been to N. Korea and know wtf you're talking about, right :ey:

  20. I hate to break it to you but Obama is not the first President we've had.

    And he's far from the first person to claim authority over others. Some of the earliest written records we can find are lists of kings.

    Perhaps I'm just getting hung-up on your specificity of Obama, but I do find it puzzling. It seems like your stated beef is less with any particular person and more with the entire political system? So why worry about the name of the tyrant of the week?

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