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I only see cops when im high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ampfire360, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Its weird like the only time I see police is when im high. When im sober and am around I never see cops - i go get high and suddenly there everywhere.
  2. Same, I always see cops if i'm fucked up on anything, or have anything on me illegal. It sucks, haha.
  3. Since you are high, you are just more in tuned to the police. When your sober, what do you have to worry about?
  4. Good point, its just really weird, like i saw 4 today.
  5. this

    its just your pot paranoia kickin in man
  6. I can relate, when i speed down the freeway at 85-90 mph, there arent any cops for a couple hours and i can drink in public and be publicly drunk without a cop in sight. Yet when I blaze they suddenly appear on the roads
  7. I always see the cops, i have pigdar.
  8. Oink Oink.
  9. Mooooo
  10. I'm never paranoid about the police because it's not that I don't care, I just know the chances of being caught by the police under the influence are little to nothing if you know how to act straight, which I always do, because most of the time I am high is when I'm out driving and that requires a pretty decent amount of self-preservation and acting straight to not be confronted by the police.

    Although, I will agree, I do notice a lot of more cop cars / police men / woman out, that's because when I'm high, it's not that I am searching for them, they just stand out more when I'm driving, because I have a tendency to notice everything around me when high, and police are the definition of a stand-out car, that and lowrider / ricers or some shit,

    God damn I'm baked, haha
  11. i see cops all the time...
    lately ive been seeing a ton in my city. I commute to csun for school and i have been seeing tenfold there. It sucks. Makes me feel nervous as opposed to feeling safe and secure.
  12. My friend and I were talking about that earlier today haha. We were flipping shit because we got passed by four cops within 20 minutes, and ended up counting 11 by the time he dropped me off.
  13. Dude, get your tolerance up. I had the same thing. I thought literally every car driving past me (at night) was a cop car. Of course, this was at the very start of my pot smoking career :p
  14. Oh I love seeing the cops when Im high because I never get caught and I always feel so cocky about it for a few secons hahaha

    Most of the cops in my town too are either really stupid or crooked cops :) hahaha
  15. My friend and i call this Copdar, It only turns on when your stoned lol.

    In my case though i have a dyslexic (sp?) radar, i can spot a cop a mile down the road from us but if there's one right next to me ill be completely oblivious lol. Thank god my bro is the exact opposite.

    "sigh" i cant wait untill the day i can burn a J right in front of a cop lol. If that shouldnt happen in my life time though, bet your ass ill be down on the steps of the cop shop the day im gonna die smoking a super blunt:smoking: Off topic :smoking:carry on.
  16. I hope when your high and you see cops you don't stare them down, its a dead give-a-away that your being suspicious :)
  17. Used to happen to me.. you're just high:smoking:
  18. #18 Hilikus, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    What a good tagteam lol :D

    I actually see the same amount of cops when I'm sober or high, which is kind of often since I live in a decently large city. Luckily they're busy with much more important things than lil' ole me, lol. Unfortunately I've been seeing them in abundance in alot of my usual spots :(
  19. its fucked up everytime i go by my homie to blaze out i always hear mad sirens, and this is they kno im here?
  20. THIS is definitely something I can relate to... I'm always hearing sirens and sometimes I can't even tell if they're real or not :eek:

    How the hell did OP get banned already?

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