Anti-marijuana propaganda is riddled with slang (the words "dude", "lame", "pothead" and more), misuse of language, out of context quotations, and skewed statistics, yet this propaganda is created by generally well educated, high-paid people. Pro-marijuana documents are well written, organized, and supported by well constructed arguments and facts, yet written by stoners. Kind of laughable.
lol no the reason for that is they are trying to be "hip and cool" so that it seems more interesting for us stonerss
Truth be told I have seen more intelligence out of the stoner community then anyone else. Maybe that's why the government don't like it. It causes people to think and they wouldn't want any of that happening now would they.
the man is always trying to keep us down. they show the negative stereotypes associated w/ weed but thats bull. that isnt everyone on weed, just a certain percentage.
Well of course. They are going to take that minuscule percentage of lazy stupid idiots and push them out to make the entire community look bad, it debating 101, find and exploit the weakness.
How can the people writing that shit be written by well educated people, they are stupid, ignorant people.
Well educated and high paid do NOT go together. Also anyone well educated would not be against marijuana
It's the same how alcohol commercial are all like,"were high class and were rich and sophisticated" and they don't show a drunk passed out in a gutter,or how much of an idiot it makes you,or the crying drunk,or even the fact that it's induces would think the vomiting would be important.